Many perspicacious UN watchers, who thought John Bolton was the ideal UN Ambassador from the USA, have been very disappointed in the ways Bush has handled the UN in the last three years or so. Another improper use of the filibuster by Democrats kept Bolton from being the permanent UN Ambassador under Bush, and Bush seemed to just lose heart for fighting the UN battle after that, when Bolton’s “recess appointment” expired. To get a real flavor for the diseased cesspool that is the UN, read Bolton’s book, and ponder how it can possibly be in America’s interest to be “thought well of” by such a body, or how it can be evidence of our strength, resolve, and commitment to human rights around the world that the UN’s petty dictators are allowed to arrogate to themselves equality with a democratic, republican government, on the UN Human Rights Commission, no less. And wonder exactly what it means that the U.N. seems completely thrilled with the ascension of Obama to the throne.
Here is Anne Bayefsky, who characterizes Bush’s first term as “Bush II” (his father was Bush I), and Bush’s second term as (Bush III), looking back critically at Bush III, and ahead ominously at Obama I, in the U.N.American Agenda at National Review Online
Nobody is happier about the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States than the folks at the United Nations. It is as if they finally discovered kryptonite, and Superman will soon be disabled.
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