I listened to Air America all day today. I know, I know… but sometimes I just need to know what the chattering class on the lefty side is saying.
Here is what I learned:
There’s no point in impeaching Bush (still laughing at that one), since then Cheney would be president… and if he was impeached, it would be that creepy Speaker of the House, Haffert (no kidding, that’s what the hosts said, and no one called in to correct them). So congratulating themselves on their hardheaded realism, both pundits and callers bravely moved on to more practical affairs… after discussing it for two hours. Good decision.
Cowboys were probably often gay in the old west, since women were in short supply. Further, those cowboys had a gal inside, just trying to get out. Some guy who styles himself a scholar (scholars rarely claim it for themselves….) even sang a song about it, while complaining that the FCC wouldn’t let him air the true lyrical triumph in the song, the F-word. Too bad… it would have been the highlight of the song.
Now that Bush will appoint at least one new supreme court justice, personal liberty in America is under great threat, and the rights of minority groups and poor people will be trampled, with a probable reversal of the all the gains of the last 40 years… what paltry few have been made, of course.
Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, …. well, you get the idea.
Black people who choose not to carry “Black Power” signs (or Al Sharpton for president signs) in lefty protests outside black churches are “house negroes”… according to the two black hosts, of course. Clarence Thomas would be the worst possible Chief Justice.
The is no source of compassion, love, justice, etc., in the universe, except in so far as people “act” that way. Todays Unitarian Universalist clergy member/talk show host informed us that good only exists when people do it.
Bush gave his recent foreign policy speech about the Iraq war to the Fort Bragg special forces troops because they would applaud out of fear of reprisal. What can you expect from the worst president in history?
Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, ….
War is evil….. all war is evil…. of course, evil can’t actually be defined, just as good can’t be defined….. but all war is evil. Why DO those wascally tewwowists hate us so much? Well, mainly because Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, ….
The United States is an imperialist power with a history of doing evil around the world and to its own people, and most especially to all minorities. The United States is bent on seeking world domination, through a conspiracy of evil corporate giants, the military, and political insiders.
The newly refurbished, kinder, gentler left no longer hates the troops… just those nasty higher ups who manipulate them into serving on foreign shores.
40,000 troops (!!!!) have come back from Iraq with disabling physical injuries, mental illness and emotional distress.
Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar, Bush is a liar,
Well, some commentary on all of this:
It was truly thrilling to hear the left put up its best, if indeed that’s what I heard today. These talk hosts make no attempt at all to educate their audiences with specifics. (I think some of them might excel at re-education… but that’s another topic.) I must have heard the Bush-is-a-liar mantra hundreds of times in a few hours… with no specifics except that there were no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq (making liars of the entire world, of course).
There was not a single disagreeing caller, or maybe an actual conservative, on any of the shows I heard today. Not one. Does that mean we fascist types just don’t listen? Or just can’t get through? I don’t know… but the contrast with center-right talk radio, which positively courts disagreeing callers, is huge. There is an enormous sense of preaching to the choir, and not working at making a case for the unconverted.
It seems to be enough to call names at the other side, repeat a few talking points, face no actual disagreement (reasoned or otherwise), take a few cheerleading calls, and call it a day.
No wonder Air America is going under, subsidized as it is. Perhaps center-right successful talk hosts should consider some discrete anonymous donations to keep it on the air…. since the comparison to the pros on the right is so much in their favor that Air America boils down to free adversting for the right.
Tags: left, politics