Aug 16 2012

We all pay large corporations’ taxes

Category: taxesharmonicminer @ 10:43 am

The fact is that our income goes to pay everyone else’s taxes until April or May of each year. The article below makes it sound as if taxpayers “subsidize” CEO pay, but the fact is that we all pay the taxes of everyone with whom we do business, including corporations and small businesses. These are taxes on income, capital gains, property, luxury items, etc., and fees of all kinds that the government charges and which boil down to taxes.

The government (federal, state and local) now confiscates about 30% of the national GDP, all told.

Taxpayers Subsidize CEO Pay, Report Says – Yahoo! News

The Institute for Policy Studies, a self-described “progressive multi-issue think tank,” analyzed the link between tax loopholes and excessive executive compensation and concluded that the loopholes created an “uneven playing field” between large companies and small businesses and led to lost tax revenue. The latest edition of the institute’s annual Executive Excess compensation study found that in 2011, 26 CEOs received more in compensation than their companies paid in taxes, and that the four major tax loopholes contributing to excessive executive pay cost taxpayers about $14.4 billion a year. “The report is timely at a time when the tax debate is so intense in this country,” Sarah Anderson, the institute’s global economy project director and the report’s co-author, told ABC News. “Some leaders are saying we need to reduce the corporate tax burden even more while major companies are taking advantage of loopholes to lower their tax bill.”

Is there anyone reading the article above who is ignorant enough to think that the taxes and government fees paid by corporations, small businesses, etc., are not calculated directly into the price of every item we buy?   The next time you go to the grocery store and buy a box of cereal, think about all the companies that participated in growing it, processing it, packaging it, and transporting it, all of whom paid taxes, all of whom paid each other’s taxes, and all of whose taxes you are going to help pay as well, when you buy it.

It is a myth that the poor don’t pay income taxes.   They pay Exxon’s taxes every time the fill up the tank at an Exxon station, along with the taxes of the station owner, the trucking firm that delivered it, the owner of the refinery that made it, the ships that brought it here from Saudi Arabia, etc.

There are lots of misleading articles like the one above that pretend to have found a “loophole” (really just the letter of the law) and pretend that there is something unusual in taxpayer’s “paying the taxes of the rich.”

Taxes on corporations and businesses, along with government fees and impounds, are built into the price of everything you buy, whether you are rich, poor or middle class.

You may think that if the taxes of those nasty corporations and businesses were cut, they wouldn’t pass the savings along to you….  but if you think that, it means you don’t understand the fundamental laws of supply and demand, and the way pricing works in the marketplace.   Do you really think that if Walmart can sell the same item for less than K-Mart that it won’t do so?   Any given business’s self-interest is in attracting more customers by offering the lowest possible price consistent with making a profit.

The only rational thing is for the poor to campaign loudly for tax cuts for corporations and businesses, and reduction of capital gains taxes, all of which will result in more products at lower prices, in the end….  not to mention more jobs available so that the poor don’t have to stay that way.



Aug 06 2012

Winners and losers?

Category: economy,election 2012,government,Group-think,Obamaharmonicminer @ 11:00 am

Some people accuse leftist federal government (namely Obama) of picking winners and losers. That isn’t really fair. Obama just picks losers.

Solar-cell manufacturer Solyndra became a household name when it collapsed, taking $627 million in American taxpayer dollars with it. It’s the poster company for the government picking winners and losers—or really, just losers—in the energy market. But there are 12 more “green energy” losers that have declared bankruptcy despite attempts to prop them up with taxpayer money—and the list is growing.

There’s a reason why these companies could not rely solely on private financing and needed help from the government. They couldn’t make it on their own; they couldn’t even make it with extra taxpayer help.

These green government “investments” take from one (by taxing or borrowing) and give to another, but they merely move money around. They do not create jobs. They send labor and resources to areas of the economy where they are wasted. Proponents of special financing and tax credits for solar companies claim that these benefits will pay for themselves down the line—but when the companies receiving them are going bankrupt, that is highly unlikely.

Kate Adams, a member of Heritage’s Young Leaders Program, and Heritage’s Rachael Slobodien compiled a list of the 12 members of the Green Graveyard—companies that received taxpayer money for green initiatives yet have filed for bankruptcy.

  1. Abound Solar (Loveland, Colorado), manufacturer of thin film photovoltaic modules.
  2. Beacon Power (Tyngsborough, Massachusetts), designed and developed advanced products and services to support stable, reliable and efficient electricity grid operation.
  3. Ener1 (Indianapolis, Indiana), built compact lithium-ion-powered battery solutions for hybrid and electric cars.
  4. Energy Conversion Devices (Rochester Hills, Michigan/Auburn Hills, Michigan), manufacturer of flexible thin film photovoltaic (PV) technology and a producer of batteries and other renewable energy-related products.
  5. Evergreen Solar, Inc. (Marlborough, Massachusetts), manufactured and installed solar panels.
  6. Mountain Plaza, Inc. (Dandridge, Tennessee), designed and implemented “truck-stop electrification” technology.
  7. Olsen’s Crop Service and Olsens Mills Acquisition Co. (Berlin, Wisconsin), a private company producing ethanol.
  8. Range Fuels (Soperton, Georgia), tried to develop a technology that converted biomass into ethanol without the use of enzymes.
  9. Raser Technologies (Provo, Utah), geothermal power plants and technology licensing.
  10. Solyndra (Fremont, California), manufacturer of cylindrical panels of thin-film solar cells.
  11. Spectrawatt (Hopewell, New York), solar cell manufacturer.
  12. Thompson River Power LLC (Wayzata, Minnesota), designed and developed advanced products and services to support stable, reliable and efficient electricity grid operation.

Is there a company somewhere that you don’t like? See if you can get the Obama stimulus spenders to give money to it. It’s the kiss of death.

Jul 31 2012

The Morgan Freeman Tea Party Survey

Category: left,Olympics,racism,tea partyamuzikman @ 4:55 pm

1.  Why do you believe the Tea Party wants Barack Obama to be a one-term president? (please select one answer from the list below)

a) Because the Tea Party is racist

b) Because the Tea Party is racist

c) Because the Tea Party is racist

d) Because the Tea Party is racist

e) Because the Tea Party is racist

f) Because the Tea Party is racist

Several times while watching the Olympics I have heard Morgan Freeman’s voice come on the air and pitch the Visa card.  Perfectly acceptable in spite of the fact that he has recently taken the liberty, virtually unchallenged, of labeling an entire group of Americans as racists, with nothing more than his own personal assertion as proof.  Of course anyone who may take exception to that is also labelled a racist.  This from the tolerant left.

On the other hand the president of Chick Fil-A can make a statement about his support of traditional marriage.  He is then vilified in the press, boycotts of his business are called and he is told by the mayors of Chicago and Boston that his business is “not welcome” in their towns.  This also from the tolerant left.

I welcome someone who can explain how and why this is not a double standard.

(Hat tip to Larry Elder)

Jul 30 2012

An undeniable success in a difficult situation

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 11:04 pm

Jul 30 2012

Irony Alert

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 8:03 pm

President Obama related to country’s first enslaved man | The Lookout – Yahoo! News

A study from has determined that President Obama is related to John Punch, the first black African enslaved for life in America–which would make Punch the 11th great-grandfather of Obama. The connection is made through Obama’s mother, Stanley Ann Dunhan. The website’s records say she had ancestors who were white landowners in Colonial Virginia who descended from an African man, Punch. According to the site’s press release, Punch tried to escape indentured servitude in colonial Virginia in 1640 and was punished by becoming enslaved for life. The records show that Punch had children with a white woman, and her status as free was passed on to her offspring. Punch’s descendents became successful landowners in the slave-owning state of Virginia.

Got that? Obama may be related to the first slave in the USA by way of his white mother.

Jul 30 2012

Learning from experience… the hard way

Category: election 2008,election 2012,government,Group-think,humor,media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 10:44 am

Jul 27 2012

You can’t claim it’s out of context when you play the whole clip #1

Category: election 2012,Obamaharmonicminer @ 3:15 pm

Jul 26 2012

Jerry Springer Show for Jew hatred in Egypt

Category: Islam,Israel,jihad,middle eastharmonicminer @ 1:48 pm

Watch all of this. It’s several clips from an Egyptian “reality show” which interviews celebrities, and tells them part way through the interview that they are on an Israeli TV show…. and see the hatred this evokes, the violent responses…. call it Jerry Springer for Jew-hatred. They celebrities aren’t REALLY on an Israeli TV show…. but the response that they have when they think that they are is very revealing…. and consider what this says about what Egyptian audiences find entertaining.

hat tip: hugh hewitt

Jul 21 2012

The real first chapter of Genesis

Category: economy,freedom,funny but sad,God,government,humorharmonicminer @ 3:42 pm

Deep in the bowels of the third basement level of the Sears Tower in Chicago, a heretofore unknown manuscript has been discovered, a scroll believed by Keynsian scholars to predate the earliest known copy of the book of Genesis by at least two centuries.

It is now available for public viewing on the internet.

You only THOUGHT you knew the real story of Creation.

Jul 21 2012

Is it just me or is there something terribly wrong here?

Category: abortionamuzikman @ 11:01 am

After an “outpouring of concern” a very large Maine lobster is going to be spared by a Cape Cod restaurant. Instead of becoming a feast it will be returned to the sea.

Meanwhile approximately 3700 babies will be aborted today.



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