Aug 23 2011

Gee, Tom, d’ya think maybe the media was a little biased for Obama?

Category: election 2012,media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 3:44 pm

Thomas Friedman re Obama’s “vetting” by media during his campaign in 2008

During the 2008 presidential election season, many Americans were captivated by then-candidate Barack Obama’s promises of hope and change. And some would argue that much of the media were taken in by the promises too. Nearly three years into the Obama presidency, is it fair to say the media were duped?

On Sunday’s broadcast of CNN’s “Reliable Sources,” host Howard Kurtz asked New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman just that question. According to Friedman, the jury is still out.

“Way too soon to tell that kind of thing, I think,” Friedman said. “I think if, look, what have I been calling for, you know, the president to have, I think there is, we just so desperately needed a grand bargain that involves restructuring of debt, raising of taxes, cutting of spending and investing in the sources of our strengths as a country from everything from infrastructure to government-funded research to education. It’s so clear that’s what we need. My personal frustration with Obama has been that while he certainly tried that grand bargain for a little bit, it just kind of went away. Well, it didn’t on the work. He said [House Speaker John] Boehner backed out. I don’t know who backed out.” 

Kurtz pointed out that Friedman had an unusual closeness with Obama as one of his golfing partners. Friedman said that was a benefit.

“Yeah, anytime you spend four hours with the president, either with a spoon in your hand or a golf club in your hand or nothing in your hand, you learn something,” Friedman said. “If he invites you to lunch, anytime you get a chance to talk to the president, in any context, I find incredibly beneficial.”

Yeah, Tom, sure.

Anyone who thinks the media even looked at Obama crosswise during the 2008 election cycle is either deluded or covering up…  or just incredibly uninformed.  The media covered up for him, literally, by burying stories that might have told some inconvenient truth about him, by substituting puff-pieces for actual investigative journalism, and by throwing up mud at his opponents, especially Sarah Palin.

John Ziegler’s movie Media Malpractice tells the whole story.  Here is info on how to get the DVD, or you can just catch it on Netflix.

Full disclosure:  I composed the music for the movie.  But I would not have done so if I hadn’t agreed with its message.

The remaining question:  will the media do any better in 2012?  I used to think they’d eventually become embarrassed by their non-performance of journalistic duty in 2008 and backtrack a bit.  But with the media continuing to release White House spin as news, I’m having my doubts about it.  I’d guess that even if Obama’s approval rating continues to nosedive, the media, who simply can’t stand a Republican (even a “center-right” one) in the White House, will still try to carry the flailing Obama over the finish line….  again.

Aug 22 2011

Have you seen this?

Category: election 2012,Obamaharmonicminer @ 12:06 am

Now, honestly, I didn’t know whether to laugh, cry, or sling the end product of canine digestion at this particular website.

As the 2012 election begins, we know grassroots support will be more important than ever before. President Obama is working every day to keep making America stronger — and together we’ve got an opportunity to get his back.

Sign up for campaign updates and see how you can help build on our progress.

Join us in the fight to keep building a better, more prosperous America. Are you in?


Are you nuts?  Do you want to help Obama/Biden “Build on his progress”?  What progress would that be, exactly?  Impoverishing America for the next 50 years?  Alienating our allies and emboldening our enemies?

I guess we could call it hopeless change.

Whoever is writing this drivel has a tin ear for public opinion.

“A better, more prosperous America”?  I think I know how we can help that happen.

Regime change in 2012.




Jul 29 2011

Shovel Ready?

Category: Congress,economy,government,Group-think,legislation,liberty,media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 12:00 pm

Another of the Powerline Prize entries, this one a music video called “Shovel Ready, Not Shovel Ready Enough”. Very funny, and very effective… and very sad. A TRILLION dollars for essentially nothing very helpful….

Somebody was shoveling something, alright.

Jul 26 2011

Grains of sand

Category: Congress,economy,government,legislation,liberty,Obamaharmonicminer @ 6:54 pm

14 trillion and a few hundred billion change is what the federal government owes, right now. It’ll be more like 15 billion by the end of 2011.

Guess who gets to pay it back? Not me. Maybe not you, if you’re middle aged or so. Here’s who will be paying it back, in cash, in kind, in trade, or in economic disaster and unemployment.

Another entry in the Powerline Prize contest.

Jul 26 2011

Swimming in debt

Category: Congress,economy,government,media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 9:17 am

Another high placing (but not quite winning) entry in the Powerline Prize competition for a media product to illustrate the danger of our national debt.


Jul 25 2011

Compromise? You must be kidding

Category: Congress,economy,Obamaharmonicminer @ 6:39 pm


Obama calls for compromise on debt


President Barack Obama said on Monday a temporary six-month extension of debt ceiling does not solve the problem and might not be enough to avoid credit downgrade.

Obama said he has told leaders of both parties they must come with a fair compromise in the news few days that can pass Congress.

The President wants to be able to pin the blame on big spending and higher borrowing, increasing the national debt, on Republicans.  He doesn’t want it to still be on the table for the 2012 election cycle, which is the real reason he doesn’t want only a six month extension….  he knows that in six months, he’ll look even worse.


The truth, of course is that a six month extension that matches debt ceiling raises to REAL, RIGHT NOW CUTS, not future pie-in-the-sky maybe cuts, is ITSELF a compromise between the Republicans and the Democrats.


But compromising with Democrats is usually a one way street.  You compromise.  They don’t.   Then they insist you compromise some more, taking your compromised position as the new bargaining starting point.


As Erick Ericson points out, we’ve had 17 debt commissions, and innumerable promises to study future cuts in the last decades.  It’s ALWAYS a smokescreen to pretend something is being done while protecting the status quo, or taxing/spending/borrowing even more.


In Washington speak, a CUT is simply a reduction in spending INCREASES planned for the future.  Get it?  If you planned to increase your spending by 20% next year, and only increase it by 10%, you get to call THAT a CUT in the beltway….  when in fact it is an INCREASE, still.


Liar, liar, pants on fire, Mr. President.

May 01 2011

Narcissism – Thy name is Obama

Category: Obama,terrorismamuzikman @ 10:14 pm

Osama Bin Laden is dead.  And If we are to believe the Narcissist-In-Chief he is the one responsible.  What shamelessness!

And so shortly after taking office, I directed Leon Panetta, the director of the CIA, to make the killing or capture of bin Laden the top priority of our war against al Qaeda, even as we continued our broader efforts to disrupt, dismantle, and defeat his network.

Seriously, not a word about the efforts conducted by your predecessor, Mr NOTUS?  You came up with this nutty idea all by yourself?
It should be noted that no less than a dozen times our NOTUS referenced himself in his remarks this evening.
Is this about you, Obama?  Is this about scoring some sorely needed political points?
Or is this about justice, victory for The United Sates of America, and maybe a little closure for the 9/11 families?

Feb 09 2011

High speed rail? Obama tries to turn economic lead into gold

Category: Congress,economy,government,humor,legislation,Obama,politicsharmonicminer @ 9:36 am

Obama to call for $53B for high-speed rail


President Barack Obama is calling for a six-year, $53 billion spending plan for high-speed rail, as he seeks to use infrastructure spending to jumpstart job creation.

An initial $8 billion in spending will be part of the budget plan Obama is set to release Monday. If Congress approves the plan, the money would go toward developing or improving trains that travel up to 250 miles per hour, and connecting existing rail lines to new projects. The White House wouldn’t say where the money for the rest of the program would come from, though it’s likely Obama would seek funding in future budgets or transportation bills.

Obama’s push for high-speed rail spending is part of his broad goal of creating jobs in the short-term and increasing American competitiveness for the future through new spending on infrastructure, education and innovation. During last month’s State of the Union address, Obama said he wanted to give 80 percent of Americans access to high-speed rail within 25 years.

At the same time he’s calling for new spending on sectors like high-speed rail in the upcoming budget, Obama also has pledged to cut overall spending as he seeks to bring down the nation’s mounting deficit.

Well, to be clear, Obama only called for a “freeze in spending”…  a freeze at the ridiculously high levels he set in his first two years.  Only his sycophants in the press would call not raising spending even further “a cut.”

In any case, America is not Europe, nor is it Japan.  There is not now a demand for high speed rail, nor will there be anytime soon.  If there was a demand for it, private interests would be busy investing in it, expecting to make money from it.  Obama seems to have learned nothing from the subsidy infested mess that is Amtrak.

I propose a better way to spend the money.  He should invest in research in alchemy.  Turning lead into gold is probably impossible….  but maybe not.  And along the way, spending 50 billion dollars is likely to accidentally result in some real science getting done, something with at least “spin off” benefits, technologically and economically.

So lets hear it for alchemy in the federal budget.  That makes a LOT more sense, and is probably a better way to spend large amounts of money, than high-speed rail, which will continue to be a sinkhole for money even after it’s built, which will probably cost a lot more than anyone now projects.

Of course, we all know Obama has no actual hope of doing this.  He just brought it up to play to his lefty audience, who love anything that makes people get in lines and wait somewhere.  But Obama knows he has no chance of getting this through a Republican House of Representatives.  He’s just talking for effect, and public relations with his base.


Still…  maybe in trying to turn lead into gold, the scientists would finally discover cold fusion.




Jan 26 2011

Obama & Hu – The Cliffnotes Version

Category: appeasement,China,Obamaamuzikman @ 8:55 am

OBAMA: (bowing) Welcome Chairman Hu. We welcome a new season of cooperation between our countries.

HU: Your country is washed up.  You are all a bunch of has-beens.

OBAMA: We are here to make your visit as special as we can. Just ask and it is yours.

HU: I want no questions from the media

OBAMA: We’d really like China to buy a bunch of our stuff.

HU: Sure, We’re buying it with your money anyway.

OBAMA: China needs to improve in the area of human rights.

HU: Yeah, so….?

OBAMA: China is unfairly manipulating the value of its currency.

HU: Yeah, so…?

OBAMA: this has been an historic visit.

HU: You really don’t know who you are dealing with, do you?

Jan 12 2011

MEDIA MALPRACTICE is now available from Netflix

Category: Obamaharmonicminer @ 11:42 am

Media Malpractice, the movie linked to the right, is now available on Netflix. It has some new content and is more relevant than ever, given the continuing bias displayed in media coverage of Obama, Palin, et. al.

In the audio linked here, you’ll hear the suggestion that Media Malpractice is worth including in political science classes (and communications classes, too).

I hope you’ll go to Netflix and add it to your queue. If you haven’t tried Netflix yet, it’s a great deal for anyone who watches either TV or movies.

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