Nov 01 2008

Pro-Life for Obama?

Category: abortion,election 2008,Obamaharmonicminer @ 12:01 am

Here are two links to sites claiming you can be pro-life and for Obama.  Raise gullibility shields now.

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Oct 31 2008

Taxing Credulity

Category: election 2008,McCain,Obama,taxesharmonicminer @ 9:16 am

Not exactly a scintillating read, but a  sober summary of the candidates’ positions and differences on taxation. The first few graphs: (much more, with supporting charts and text, at the link)

Either Republican Senator John McCain or Dem­ocratic Senator Barack Obama will have to make very important decisions on tax policy when he takes office in January 2009. First, the U.S. econ­omy will be recovering from the financial crisis and is already predicted to grow less than its usual rate of 3.3 percent over the last 50 years.[1] Second, Pres­ident George W. Bush’s tax cuts will expire in 2011, and the President must decide how to extend or make permanent some of the tax cut provisions.

Senator McCain will make the Bush tax cuts per­manent, with the exception of the estate tax. McCain credited the Bush tax cuts with helping the economy recover after the 2001 recession.

Senator Obama, on the other hand, will extend the Bush tax cuts only for those taxpayers who earn less than $250,000 a year—he has deemed the rest of the people “rich.” Senator Obama will also enact new tax increases on these rich individuals as well as a series of targeted tax credits for lower-income indi­viduals. Senator Obama believes that the current tax system is not progressive enough and that higher taxes on the rich should be used to give money to low-income individuals or those who do not work at all, such as retired people, reduce the deficit, and reduce the size of Social Security’s shortfall.

In other words, Obama isn’t planning merely to return to the higher taxes under Clinton for “the rich”, he plans to tax them even MORE than Clinton’s Democrat congress voted in 1993, when Clinton “discovered” that he couldn’t keep his campaign pledge to lower taxes for the middle class after all. One can’t help but wonder if Obama will discover that “the rich” are those making more than $50K-$70K per year, when his staff really crunches the numbers.

Those windmills are going to be expensive.

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Oct 29 2008

William Wallace Was The First Reagan Conservative

Category: freedom,liberty,Obamaamuzikman @ 12:53 am

A little thought just popped into my head.  I was trying to figure out how to put into words what I’ve been feeling about the upcoming election and I think I may have a working metaphor.  Forgive me if you think this overly melodramatic but I must admit I have been most profoundly affected by this presidential election and the choice of possible outcomes.  The reason probably lies with concern for my kids and the kind of world they stand to inherit.

Anyway…. I was just thinking of the movie, Braveheart.  The scene is very near the end of the movie as William Wallace, after being betrayed and captured, lies bound to a table, helpless before his executioner in the public square.  As he is being tortured, (methodically disemboweled) before facing the guillotine, he musters up all he has left and with his last breath he utters a mournful, plaintive and defiant cry of, “Freedom!”

Will it be thus for The United States of America?  I have truly come to believe an Obama presidency will result in the dismemberment of our dear country as we know it.  For we are about to exchange liberty for “change” and it is clear to me that the “change” of which Obama speaks is not freedom but a governmental yoke, hung about the head and shoulders of every citizen.  And there are those with whom this has apparently found favor, the only requirement being that everyone else is also equally yoked.

Freedom carries with it the opportunity to succeed and the potential to fail. Apparently, faced with a large enough number of recent failures, our country now wants to turn away from freedom. Perhaps this is because we think the price is too high. Perhaps we are tired or lost and seek the comfort of the yoke, for when we are shackled together we won’t have to make any more decisions on our own, rather we can just pull the cart and let someone else decide where to go.  We can walk when we are told, stop when we are told, eat when we are fed, sleep when the sun goes down and never ever have to worry about anyone wandering away or, heaven forbid, going ahead of the rest of the herd.

But like that scene in the movie, I do hear a cry in these final days before the vote  – a cry of “freedom!” and a warning that our very freedom as a people is at stake in this election.  For it is freedom and liberty that has made this country great and it will be the surrender of freedom through the election of Barack Obama that may signal the final curtain for America.

Patrick Henry once declared, “Give me liberty or give me death”.  I think he would be shocked to find his famous utterance has been drowned out by so many other voices.  “Give me healthcare!” Give me bailout money!” Give me my house back!” Give me citizenship!” “Give me an abortion!”

Give me the yoke!

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Oct 26 2008

Yep: it really IS that scary

Category: election 2008,Obamaharmonicminer @ 7:59 am

Christian right intensifies attacks on Obama – Yahoo! News

Terrorist strikes on four American cities. Russia rolling into Eastern Europe. Israel hit by a nuclear bomb. Gay marriage in every state. The end of the Boy Scouts.
Continue reading “Yep: it really IS that scary”

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Oct 23 2008

Get out of the kitchen

Category: election 2008,McCain,media,Obama,politics,racismharmonicminer @ 8:44 am

The main stream media continues to pursue its “Obama the victim” narrative, portrying him as the victim of hate in some unusual way, and consulting only left-leaning organizations and think-tanks to confirm its thesis.  Of course, if they actually did due diligence and interviewed both sides equally, and compared actual research from both sides, they would discover that there is…  no story!  Can’t have that, and the election isn’t quite in the bag for Obama yet, and so:

An ugly line has been crossed in this presidential campaign, one in which some people don’t mind calling Barack Obama a dangerous Muslim, a terrorist and worse.

And this is somehow worse than the term Bushitler? Let’s just add up the Hitler references to Bush, and compare numbers. But, of course, that would require real research and reporting, and we can’t expect that, can we?  Just count the lawyers and reporters parachuted into Alaska to defame Palin, and compare the numbers to those who have really investigated Obama’s past and alliances, and you’ll get the idea.

“To me, this all feels much worse than we’ve seen in some time,” said Kathryn Kolbert , the president of People for the American Way , which monitors political speech.

Well, yes, because this time it’s YOUR guy on the receiving end of the very kind of hatred that People for the American Way and its allies have stirred up against Bush and Republicans. Except that it isn’t, for the simple reason that no mainstream Republican organization, conservative outlet, commentator or website has used the kind of language being reported here. Rather, it’s a very small fringe of over-the-top extremists, and the Left would love to paint the entire Right as that extreme… but it just won’t wash.

Experts agree on the reasons: Obama, the Democratic nominee, is different from any other major presidential candidate in history in many ways, and people often don’t accept such change gracefully.

Come on, just say it. Obama is black, and we all know those wascally weepublicans are wacists. Oh, and by the way: which “experts”? This is journalism school mumbo-jumbo for “this is what I think, and if I phrase it this way I can pretend it’s straight news”.
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Oct 21 2008

A Nation Of Whiners And Believers

Category: election 2008,Group-think,Obamaamuzikman @ 11:05 pm

On July 10, Phil Gramm, former Senator and economic advisor to John McCain said we have become a “nation of whiners”. This, in reference to our economy at the time, was a statement immediately pounced upon by Obama and just as quickly denounced by McCain.

Obviously things have changed with the recent crisis in the financial markets, the causes of which have, and will continue to be much-discussed. Our economy is not what it was in July. But the essential truth of Mr. Gramm’s statement remains. I think his comment was a moment of rare, undiluted truth, spoken I suppose, by someone who should have known better – a career politician.

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Oct 21 2008

Uncle Colin’s Cabin

Category: election 2008,Obamaharmonicminer @ 5:27 pm

Am I the only one who is dumbfounded that Colin Powell can minimize Bill Ayers’ terrorist actions and minimize Obama’s obvious alliance with Ayers?

Powell said he was concerned about what he characterized as a recent negative turn of Republican candidate Sen. John McCain’s campaign, such as the campaign’s attempts to tie Obama to former 1960s radical Bill Ayers.

“I think that’s inappropriate. I understand what politics is about — I know how you can go after one another, and that’s good. But I think this goes too far, and I think it has made the McCain campaign look a little narrow. It’s not what the American people are looking for,” he said.

Powell, OF ALL PEOPLE, surely knows that Ayers and the Weather Underground tried to kill military people by bombing the Pentagon.  Ayers is not a “former 1960s radical”, he is an unrepentant lifetime self-confessed terrorist, anarchist and Marxist.  He has repeatedly affirmed this, making no secret that he performed terrorist acts, and simply got off on a technicality due to a botched FBI investigation that produced inadmissable evidence.

People in the Pentagon COULD HAVE DIED.  It was only incompetence on the part of the Weather creeps that saved the lives of military serving in the Pentagon.  Obama has surely known this for years, or he is an utter fool: take your pick.  And he has worked closely with Ayers for many of those years, and they’ve helped each other in many ways.

I don’t expect any better from Obama.  And I don’t expect any better from the mainstream media in bringing the full nature and depth of the Obama/Ayers relationship to light, or exploring what it tells us about how a President Obama will rule.

But even though I knew Powell was not a conservative, I honestly thought he was an honorable man.  Now I know better.  He is a sellout.  Not to the black activists of the world, but to the WHITE Left-liberal elite who inhabit the Washington/NY axis, to whose cocktail parties the general wants invitations after Obama wins, and who use the black activists to maintain their power.

Uncle Colin has betrayed all those who could have died by Weather creep terrorist action.   I hope the taste is bitter in his mouth when he is alone with his thoughts, and memories.  What would those who could have died that day think now, of a former Joint Chief who supports the good friend and ally of the terrorists, for PRESIDENT?

Simply unbelievable.

Al Sharpton had it right, he just had the wrong person identified as the slave owner.

Go on home, Uncle Colin, they have a nice cabin waiting for you if you don’t get too uppity or independent.

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Oct 20 2008

Baseball Done The Obama Way

Category: Obama,sportsamuzikman @ 12:21 am

I went to my son’s baseball game today.  He had an amazing game, if I do say so myself. And as his father I am definitely claiming bragging rights, at least for the foreseeable future!

In the third inning he came up with bases loaded and hit a double to right-center field. 3 runs scored. In the fifth inning he came up with the bases loaded again.  This time he hit a grand slam home run over the center field fence.  He also had a single and drove in a total of 7 runs in the game.

My son, who is now 16, has played organized baseball pretty much continually since he was 7. He has played in both spring and fall city leagues as well as having spent several years in travel-ball which is a year-round commitment.  Since the age of 9 he has trained privately with a former professional baseball player, often twice a week.  His training has included lessons in both pitching and hitting.  He has also spent countless hours in weight rooms, batting cages and even more hours in the back yard either hitting off a tee, throwing into a net or playing catch with me.  In short he has worked very hard to refine and multiply his talents and today was no fluke, it was the fruit of his labor.

On my son’s high school team is a another young man (my son’s best friend) who never played baseball until the 9th grade.  He tries very hard but it’s a struggle for him to keep up because he does not have the same experience that many other player have. I don’t know what his hobbies and interests were before high school but it is safe to say he was doing something else during the many hours my son was playing and training.

Now if Citizen Obama were allowed to apply his wealth redistribution tax plan to baseball, things might have gone like this today: After my son’s third at-bat a time-out would have been called. The umpire would announce that it wasn’t fair for my son to have 7 RBI while some of the other players (like my son’s friend) had none. The Obama Rule would then be invoked – Anyone driving in more than 3 runs in a game shall be forced by the umpire to share the extra RBIs with players having none, to be distributed at the discretion of the umpire to players on both teams. This rule would guarantee a more equitable distribution of runs scored and helps all players to have more RBIs. Well.. all but my son that is – the one who worked very hard and who sacrificed so much for so long to be the very best he could.

Can you imagine a baseball game where the goal of each game was a tie score and for all players to have the same stats? Neither can I.

Can you imagine the United States as a place where governmental limitations are imposed on hard work and sacrifice? Where citizens are subjected to punitive taxation if they work “too” hard, earn “too” much and become “too” successful? Neither can I.

But Obama can…

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Oct 17 2008

Is This The Change You Had In Mind?

Category: Obamaamuzikman @ 10:04 am

There is a pretty good article in The Wall Street Journal Online about what we can expect with a Democrat in the White House and a democratic “super”- majority in Congress.

It is popular (and easy) to simply blame the current resident of the White House for all problems, big and small. This election cycle is no different, it’s happening now just as it has in past political campaigns and demand for change is an oft-repeated cry.  In fact it is the campaign slogan of Citizen Obama.

The problem lies within the meaning of the word “change”.  It is safe to say change is coming, especially with an Obama win.  Therefore we should all be at least mildly curious about what sort of change we can expect.  If the Democrat super-majority is realized our country may very well change to a point so as to become unrecognizable.

Click here to read the WSJ article

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Oct 16 2008

Censorship of “The Path to 9/11” TV miniseries: new film tells the story

Category: Clinton,election 2008,media,Obama,terrorismharmonicminer @ 9:32 am

A new documentary film has been made about another film, “The Path to 9/11“, a TV two part mini-series on events leading up to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.  The new film is called “Blocking ‘The Path to 9/11‘ “, and was made by commentator John Ziegler, author of the book “The Death of Free Speech“.  The new film is about the pressure put on ABC to cancel the film, and on the film-makers of “The Path to 9/11” to change the film to remove the most damaging references to politicians, especially the Clintons and Democrats.  There is no record of pressure being applied by the Bush administration to cancel or change the film, despite certain unflattering aspects of the portrayal of Condi Rice and others in “The Path to 9/11”.

Click the link below to see the trailer, etc.

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