Nov 22 2008

John Ziegler is at it again, thank God

Category: media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 6:43 pm

John Ziegler, whose earlier efforts in documenting ABC’s and Disney’s torpedoing of the mini series “The Path to 911” I mentioned here, has now scored again with How Obama Got Elected. The official description of the film:

On November 4th, 2008 millions of Americans were shocked that a man of Barack Obama’s limited experience, extreme liberal positions and radical political alliances could be elected President of the United States. For many of these Americans, the explanation was rather simple… the news media, completely enamored with Obama, simply refused to do their job.

On Election day twelve Obama voters were interviewed extensively right after they voted to learn how the news media impacted their knowledge of what occurred during the campaign. These voters were chosen for their apparent intelligence/verbal abilities and willingness to express their opinions to a large audience. The rather shocking video below seeks to provide some insight into which information broke through the news media clutter and which did not.

And without further ado:

Mr. Ziegler, the filmmaker, has been the target of various attacks, to which he responds here.

The Left is touchy, isn’t it?

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Nov 22 2008

Obama holds seance with FDR

Category: economy,Obamaharmonicminer @ 3:11 pm

While a recent new report on President-elect Obama’s plans is pretty high on glittering generality, including the obligatory swipe at George Bush, the former senator shares the single substantive detail (and it isn’t much) about how he will aid the rebuilding of the economy. Here is his plan to create 2.5M new jobs by 2011.

“We’ll put people back to work rebuilding our crumbling roads and bridges, modernizing schools that are failing our children, and building wind farms and solar panels,” Obama said. He also made a commitment to fuel-efficient cars and alternative energy technologies “that can free us from our dependence on foreign oil and keep our economy competitive in the years ahead.”

Move over Community Reinvestment Act. We’re about to have a new Works Progress Adminstration, a new Civilian Conservation Corps, a new Reconstruction Finance Corporation, etc.
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Nov 22 2008

Have you been abusing your consitutional rights?

Category: Obama,politicsharmonicminer @ 12:28 pm

So, President-elect Obama’s vetting questionaire includes this tidbit.

“Do you or any members of your immediate family own a gun? If so, provide complete ownership and registration information. Has the registration ever lapsed? Please also describe how and by whom it is used and whether it has been the cause of any personal injuries or property damage.”

The last time I looked, there is a Second Amendment to the Consitution. Yes, firearms ownership and possession has been restricted in various ways, but the Supreme Court has decided that it IS a personal right, not a group right, and that greater scrutiny must be applied in the future regarding limitations on it.
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Nov 21 2008

Obama may be making a good choice for National Security Adviser

Category: national security,Obamaharmonicminer @ 2:29 pm

General James Jones leading choice for national security advisor

CHICAGO, Illinois (CNN), Two sources close to the Obama transition team tell CNN retired Marine Gen. Jim Jones has emerged as President-elect’s leading choice to become national security adviser in the White House.

The sources said Jones has been given the impression by the President-elect that the job is his if he wants it. But the officials said there are still private discussions underway and no final decision has been made.

The discussions are focused on precisely how much power Jones will have in the staff job since he is used to being in a command role. Among his many posts, Jones served for several years as the operational commander for NATO.

If the rumors are true, and Jones is the pick, and he takes the job, it’s a better choice than we might have hoped for.. and sure to infuriate the far Left, who would prefer a card carrying pacifist in the role. One caveat: I hope that Obama listens carefully to him, if Jones is the guy.

One conservative pundit is encouraged.

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Nov 20 2008

The 650 Million Dollar Man

Category: media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 3:01 pm

Have you noticed the enormous number of articles in the major media, engaging in hand wringing over the amount of money Obama spent on his campaign?  Lamenting how we need to “get the money out of politics”?  Crying over the tens (or hundreds) of millions of unaccountable donations he collected?

Me either.  Suddenly, money in politics isn’t a bad thing, it’s just evidence of how loved Obama is by everyone.

Also, look for virtually all reporting on the homeless problem to cease within six months of the Incarnation… er, excuse me, I meant, the Inauguration.

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Nov 17 2008

Obama on Freedom of Choice Act

Category: abortion,Obamaharmonicminer @ 11:46 am

Just in case you had any doubt.

There seem to be a lot of people hoping that they have not been complicit in the death of more babies by voting for Obama.

Continue to pray for a change of heart in Obama, and the people who voted for him knowing his position on abortion and FOCA.

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Nov 15 2008

As goes Chicago goes Illinois

Category: Obama,politicsharmonicminer @ 10:50 pm

In an interesting description of the jockeying involved in trying to get President-elect Obama’s senate seat filled, for the remainder of his term, we find this nugget about the man who will make the decision. Sounds like Illinois politics and Chicago politics were twins, separated at birth, and reconnected shortly after…

And smack dab in the middle of the maelstrom is the current governor, Milorad “Rod” R. Blagojevich, proud Serbian-American. He is also a man on the cusp of becoming the fourth Illinois governor out of the last seven to be indicted for corruption. He was mentioned prominently and not in the best light, during the trial of Obama friend, financier, and patron Antoin “Tony” Rezko, who was convicted of fraud in connection with a statehouse “pay to play” scheme. Federal prosecutors have leaked the information that they think they have enough on the governor for an indictment, largely, it is believed, because Rezko is singing to the feds in exchange for a lighter sentence. There is also a move among members of his own party in the Illinois House to impeach him. The governor is not only unpopular in the state, he is spectacularly and universally hated. A recent poll conducted by the Chicago Tribune found that just 13% of residents approved of the job he was doing.

In short, Governor Blagojevich might want to hurry the process of selecting Obama’s replacement along since he may not be sleeping in the governor’s mansion much longer. He claims he wants to settle the matter before Christmas. If so, he will probably be able to make that deadline, barely, before either resigning in disgrace or being kicked out by members of his own party.

At least the Democrats dislike him, too…. that’s something.


Nov 15 2008

Dobson’s view of our future, or Wallis’?

Category: Obama,religionharmonicminer @ 9:56 am

Before the election, James Dobson created and circulated an imaginary “letter from the future”: “Letter From 2012 in Obama’s America”

The ability of the letter to sway the election is gone, of course.  We have a little space from the election now, and can take a breath.

But the letter is still a useful document for staking out some territory about some likely outcomes of the Obama adminstration.  For the most part, because these outcomes depend largely on packing the Supreme Court with leftists, and involve known Democrat plans in Congress, there may not be much we can do to avoid these outcomes by political activity, except maybe a successful filibuster of far-left judges.  But maybe forewarned is forearmed, and just maybe there is something we can do by the 2010 congressional elections to slow it all down.

You can read the Dobson letter by clicking the link above: it will download a PDF to your computer, which you can save, print or just view. I have not reproduced it here because it has many formatting features that would be lost, including many footnotes with sources for quotes and policy positions that  Obama and others have taken.  It is a fairly clear distillation of the warnings given by many in the center-Right about the Obama presidency.

Jim Wallis, of Sojourners, and frequent spokesman for the Christian Left, replies here.

The following will only make sense if you read Dobson’s letter and Wallis’ response first.
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Nov 14 2008

Rehabilitating the press? Nah… but they’ll try anyway

Category: media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 10:35 am

Victor Davis Hanson has his own prognostications for the future of journalism about Obama.

There will come a time in the year ahead when either Obama’s unexamined past will come back to haunt him, or his inexperience and tentativeness in foreign affairs will be embarrassingly apparent, or his European-socialist agenda for domestic programs simply won’t work. And as public opinion falls, what will MSNBC, the New York Times, the editors of Newsweek, a Chris Matthews or the anchors at the major networks say?

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Nov 13 2008

The “Freedom of Choice Act”

Category: abortion,Congress,Obamaharmonicminer @ 10:28 pm

I think a great many Christians and Jews, including many who voted for Obama, do not understand the radical nature of the Freedom of Choice Act that is going to be before the next Congress. If they voted for Obama, they may believe that charges of his abortion radicalism are just political, and that he is actually “moderate” on abortion.

I hope that all Christians and Jews will inform themselves of the “Freedom of Choice Act” (surely one of the more misleading names in legislative history, since its entire purpose is to REMOVE choices from physicians, state legislators, parents, other healthcare workers and, of course, the aborted baby), and consider whether they can really support it, or politicans who support it. It is even MORE radical than the original Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling.
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