Jul 20 2008

McCain, School Choice, the NAACP and the Feds

Category: education,election 2008,McCain,Obama,politicsharmonicminer @ 3:00 pm

John McCain to NAACP: It’s Time for School Choice

John McCain told the NAACP this morning that after decades of broken promises by the nation’s public school systems it is time to give all parents an easy choice of public and private schools. He is right, so long as he doesn’t propose a private school choice program at the national level.

At the link are some excellent comments about proper limits for federal involvement in a school choice program.

Nationally, blacks want school choice. Obama, as usual, is trying to have it both ways. Don’t expect a clear statement on the issue from him, given that his primary constituency, blacks, wants school choice, but his primary enabling constituency, the teachers union, does not. Actually, expect several clear statements from him, just don’t expect them to agree, and expect his campaign surrogates to spin in various directions, depending on who they’re talking to.

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Jul 14 2008

Blogging from a cell……. phone, that is

This is largely an experiment in blogging from a Palm Treo 700W. I don’t expect to do a lot of this.

But I couldn’t resist the temptation to blog from a rest stop in AZ w/out an aircard equipped laptop.

All of which leaves me thinking about how much has changed in a few years, and how critical it is that we give ourselves the economic breathing space to develop new energy sources over the coming decades by DRILLING NOW. Send a letter to your senator and congressional rep saying so. A PAPER LETTER.
Some of those dinosaurs pay more attention to those.

Jul 03 2008

For the politically less interested, who still plan to vote

Category: election 2008,McCain,Obamaharmonicminer @ 11:00 am

If You Are Just Starting To Think About This Election… Clear thinking from John Mark Reynolds

Normal people, those with actual lives, do not follow every poll on Real Clear Politics. If you have a good life, then it is likely that you are only vaguely aware that soon you will have to TIVO past even more political ads. You know there is an election this year, but like a trip to the dentist, you have put off the unpleasant task of deciding on a candidate. Fortunately for you, there are now only two candidates left with any chance of actually being the president.

Many (if not most) American voters only know three things about the two guys running for President:

1. Neither of them is named Clinton or Bush.

(A pause to thank God for His mercies.)

2. One is young and cool.

3. The other is old and a war hero.

Blessed is the man who does not check Rasmussen Report three times a day. If you are this person, congratulations on living a peaceful life. The genius of the republic is that it allows a man to be a patriot without being a politico.

There is more, and if you’re not really up to speed on the candidates, you really need to read all of this.

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