Jul 30 2011

Passing the buck

Category: Congress,economy,government,legislation,liberty,mediaharmonicminer @ 11:00 am

Well… passing the terabuck is more like it.

Here is another of the great entries to the Powerline Prize contest to create media that dramatizes or illustrates the enormous danger of the 14 trillion and growing national debt. We really have to stop deficit spending. Right away.

Jul 29 2011

Shovel Ready?

Category: Congress,economy,government,Group-think,legislation,liberty,media,Obamaharmonicminer @ 12:00 pm

Another of the Powerline Prize entries, this one a music video called “Shovel Ready, Not Shovel Ready Enough”. Very funny, and very effective… and very sad. A TRILLION dollars for essentially nothing very helpful….

Somebody was shoveling something, alright.

Jul 27 2011

Wise beyond their years

Category: Congress,economy,government,legislation,liberty,mediaharmonicminer @ 10:08 am

Another entry in the Powerline Prize contest for a media product illustrating the severity of the debt crisis.

Out of the mouths of babes.

Jul 26 2011

Grains of sand

Category: Congress,economy,government,legislation,liberty,Obamaharmonicminer @ 6:54 pm

14 trillion and a few hundred billion change is what the federal government owes, right now. It’ll be more like 15 billion by the end of 2011.

Guess who gets to pay it back? Not me. Maybe not you, if you’re middle aged or so. Here’s who will be paying it back, in cash, in kind, in trade, or in economic disaster and unemployment.

Another entry in the Powerline Prize contest.

Jul 08 2011

My article at Renewing American Leadership is up

Category: abortion,freedom,government,justice,liberty,media,politics,religion,societyharmonicminer @ 12:09 am

You may recall an earlier post where I described the humiliation of trying to get a decent photo for another website, to accompany an article I had written for that site.  The article is now up at Renewing American Leadership, or ReAL.

BTW, after the debacle of trying to get a decent headshot photo for ReAL, my daughter finally came over with her professional SLR camera and her knowledge of light, shadow, exposure and (certainly not least) her skill at touching up afterwards, to get the picture of me that appears at ReAL.  At least she didn’t make me look like I’d just finished the perp walk.

May 26 2011

Bird’s eye view of Joplin MO, with before and after photos. Incredible.

Category: economy,healthcare,legislation,libertyharmonicminer @ 9:09 pm

This is the most incredible set of photos I’ve seen about the destruction in Joplin, MO, with before and after photos of neighborhoods, stores, schools, etc.

May 25 2011

Paul Ryan on how to save Medicare

Category: economy,healthcare,legislation,libertyharmonicminer @ 7:07 pm

May 24 2011

Bibi hits a homerun

Category: Hamas,Hizbullah,Islam,Israel,jihad,liberty,middle east,Palestineharmonicminer @ 8:11 pm

Watch it.  It will be time well spent.

Aug 23 2010

A true moderate Muslim who loves democratic government

Category: freedom,Islam,jihad,liberty,shariaharmonicminer @ 8:34 am

I have mentioned Dr. Jasser in other posts, leader of a movement of Muslims in favor of American democracy, and I’ve linked to his website in the blog roll on the lower right of this page.  If Islam is to free itself of an dangerous radicals who want to set the tone (sometimes all too successfully) for all of Islam, the reform must come from within, in the person of spokesmen like Dr. Jasser, who prizes liberty above Sharia.

Why the media keeps going to CAIR as a representative of “moderate Islam” instead of AIFD is beyond me…  or maybe it isn’t.  After all, most of the media are hostile to Israel, and so is CAIR.  Listen to Dr. Jasser, and hope there are many more who will follow him.

Aug 18 2010

See you at the movies

I hope this one is a big hit at the box office, but it’s a cinch it won’t win any Oscars.  Hollywood has no problem with raising prices to see a movie, or with raising the price to give someone a job, or even with raising the price to have a job.  Of course, Hollywood permanently inhabits never-never-land, so a movie that just tells the simple truth is bound to be horrifying to them.

Looks like it ought to be a winner.

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