Oct 21 2008

A Nation Of Whiners And Believers

Category: election 2008,Group-think,Obamaamuzikman @ 11:05 pm

On July 10, Phil Gramm, former Senator and economic advisor to John McCain said we have become a “nation of whiners”. This, in reference to our economy at the time, was a statement immediately pounced upon by Obama and just as quickly denounced by McCain.

Obviously things have changed with the recent crisis in the financial markets, the causes of which have, and will continue to be much-discussed. Our economy is not what it was in July. But the essential truth of Mr. Gramm’s statement remains. I think his comment was a moment of rare, undiluted truth, spoken I suppose, by someone who should have known better – a career politician.

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Oct 21 2008

Uncle Colin’s Cabin

Category: election 2008,Obamaharmonicminer @ 5:27 pm

Am I the only one who is dumbfounded that Colin Powell can minimize Bill Ayers’ terrorist actions and minimize Obama’s obvious alliance with Ayers?

Powell said he was concerned about what he characterized as a recent negative turn of Republican candidate Sen. John McCain’s campaign, such as the campaign’s attempts to tie Obama to former 1960s radical Bill Ayers.

“I think that’s inappropriate. I understand what politics is about — I know how you can go after one another, and that’s good. But I think this goes too far, and I think it has made the McCain campaign look a little narrow. It’s not what the American people are looking for,” he said.

Powell, OF ALL PEOPLE, surely knows that Ayers and the Weather Underground tried to kill military people by bombing the Pentagon.  Ayers is not a “former 1960s radical”, he is an unrepentant lifetime self-confessed terrorist, anarchist and Marxist.  He has repeatedly affirmed this, making no secret that he performed terrorist acts, and simply got off on a technicality due to a botched FBI investigation that produced inadmissable evidence.

People in the Pentagon COULD HAVE DIED.  It was only incompetence on the part of the Weather creeps that saved the lives of military serving in the Pentagon.  Obama has surely known this for years, or he is an utter fool: take your pick.  And he has worked closely with Ayers for many of those years, and they’ve helped each other in many ways.

I don’t expect any better from Obama.  And I don’t expect any better from the mainstream media in bringing the full nature and depth of the Obama/Ayers relationship to light, or exploring what it tells us about how a President Obama will rule.

But even though I knew Powell was not a conservative, I honestly thought he was an honorable man.  Now I know better.  He is a sellout.  Not to the black activists of the world, but to the WHITE Left-liberal elite who inhabit the Washington/NY axis, to whose cocktail parties the general wants invitations after Obama wins, and who use the black activists to maintain their power.

Uncle Colin has betrayed all those who could have died by Weather creep terrorist action.   I hope the taste is bitter in his mouth when he is alone with his thoughts, and memories.  What would those who could have died that day think now, of a former Joint Chief who supports the good friend and ally of the terrorists, for PRESIDENT?

Simply unbelievable.

Al Sharpton had it right, he just had the wrong person identified as the slave owner.

Go on home, Uncle Colin, they have a nice cabin waiting for you if you don’t get too uppity or independent.

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Oct 20 2008

Evangelicals, politics and society: what the Left wishes was true, but isn’t

Category: election 2008,left,philosophy,politics,right,theologyharmonicminer @ 2:17 pm

J. Daryl Charles, author of “Between Pacifism and Jihad“, comments on an example of journalistic wish-fulfillment in which David D. Kirkpatrick prays earnestly for the “crack-up of Evangelical politics”. Well, to be fair, he only cheerleads what he wishes was the end of Right-leaning evangelicalism.  After pointing out that the trends present in mega-churches and the “emerging” church are not dispositive of the major part of evangelical Christendom, Charles, whose knowledge of evangelicalism is wide and deep, provides plenty of examples that were in Kirkpatrick’s backyard, but which he failed to notice…  maybe the fences were too high in New York City, so Kirkpatrick had to go to the midwest to find something to write about.  Ending graphs, though Charles’ entire take is worth reading:

And yet, had Kirkpatrick done his homework, his research would have taken him, not to Wichita, Kansas, but to his own backyard and New York City, where evangelical congregations are vibrant and socially engaged. Consider, for example, the very large and increasingly influential Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which embodies what is salutary, healthy, and encouraging about Protestant evangelicalism. But because Redeemer, given its simultaneous commitments to theological orthodoxy and social responsibility, has been making a difference in the city for almost two decades (and doing so without a so-called leftward political shift), such evidence would undermine Kirkpatrick’s thesis. Similar examples abound in metropolitan areas nationwide.
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Oct 16 2008


Category: election 2008harmonicminer @ 11:38 am

During the debate Obama mentioned to John McCain “some of the rallies that your running mate was holding, in which all the Republican reports indicated were shouting, when my name came up, things like ‘terrorist’ and ‘kill him,’ and that your running mate didn’t mention, didn’t stop, didn’t say, ‘Hold on a second, that’s kind of out of line.'”

But it didn’t happen.

Despite the huge media hubub that it’s caused, the U.S. Secret Service is formally denying an allegation from a Pennsylvania newspaper that an attendee at a Republican rally shouted out “kill him” in reference to Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama.

“We have yet to find someone to back up the story,” agent Bill Slavoski told the Wilkes-Barre Times Leader. “We had people all over and we have yet to find anyone who said they heard it.”

The alleged remark was first reported by David Singleton, a writer for the Scranton Times-Tribune newspaper. Singleton remains the sole person claiming he heard the offensive words:

Remember, it would be a point of honor for the Secret Service to identify ANY threat to the candidate.

Maybe David Singleton was auditioning for a job with the Obama campaign, er, I mean the New York Times.

UPDATE:  A reader emails, “And since the ravening crowd wasn’t calling for Obama’s death after all, can we please leave Barabbas in prison?”


Oct 16 2008

Censorship of “The Path to 9/11” TV miniseries: new film tells the story

Category: Clinton,election 2008,media,Obama,terrorismharmonicminer @ 9:32 am

A new documentary film has been made about another film, “The Path to 9/11“, a TV two part mini-series on events leading up to the World Trade Center and Pentagon attacks.  The new film is called “Blocking ‘The Path to 9/11‘ “, and was made by commentator John Ziegler, author of the book “The Death of Free Speech“.  The new film is about the pressure put on ABC to cancel the film, and on the film-makers of “The Path to 9/11” to change the film to remove the most damaging references to politicians, especially the Clintons and Democrats.  There is no record of pressure being applied by the Bush administration to cancel or change the film, despite certain unflattering aspects of the portrayal of Condi Rice and others in “The Path to 9/11”.

Click the link below to see the trailer, etc.

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Oct 15 2008

Digesting the debate

Category: election 2008harmonicminer @ 10:19 pm

I think McCain “won”, but on points, not by knockout.  Every time he had his opponent on the ropes or reeling, he seemed to back off just short of the final blow to end the bout.  There is some wierd way in which McCain is just too nice, too much of a gentleman, too sportsmanlike, almost, to simply do the deed.  It’s almost as if he is content to demonstrate his mastery of his opponent without ending the match.

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Oct 15 2008

Jews for Obama? Holy Moley

Category: election 2008,Israel,Obama,politics,terrorismharmonicminer @ 10:52 am

I’ve never understood why American Jews are so much more likely to vote Left than Right. I suspect it has something to do with the success of STALIN’s public relations ploy to distance himself from fascists, whom he deeply resembled, by inventing the notion that fascism is from the extreme RIGHT, while socialism is from the extreme LEFT.  Jews can hardly be blamed for wanting to vote for candidates as far from fascism as possible, and I fear most do not know that they’ve essentially fallen for a Stalinist labeling system.  What they fail to appreciate is that fascism and socialism have in common super-authoritative statism, and are more alike than different.  The American academic establishment, which has large Jewish representation, has been happy to continue this fraud, implying that people on the Right are somehow closer to Hitler than people on the Left, while always denying that, on that scale, they must be closer to Stalin.  Only super-authoritative states can carry out genocides on the grand scale.  And Stalin’s treatment of Jews was hardly gentle, was it?
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Oct 13 2008

Last chance for McCain

Category: economy,election 2008,McCain,Obama,politicsharmonicminer @ 9:01 am

Dick Morris thinks there is still time for the public to become aware of the terrible alliances (not mere associations) Obama has had in the past, and still has, if the market settles down and stabilizes just a bit.

A man whose spiritual adviser is Wright, whose financial backer is Tony Rezko, and whose first major employer was William Ayers might not be a good choice for president. But for these associations to loom large enough in our consciousness to impact our vote, the market has to settle down so we can hear the campaign over its din.

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Oct 12 2008

Obama and Fannie/Freddie CEOs: some clarity

Category: economy,election 2008,McCain,Obama,politicsharmonicminer @ 2:48 pm

As reported at SNOPES, a normally reliable fact-checking website, an email has been making the rounds linking Obama to Jim Johnson, Franklin Raines and Tim Howard.  Johnson and Raines are former Fannie Mae CEOs whose tenures were marked by fraudulent accounting practices and the reporting of false profits to pump up earnings reports and get executive bonuses.  Howard was CFO (Chief Financial Officer) during Raines tenure, and was right in the middle of the false accounting and false profits scandals.

Snopes declares that the email is FALSE.  That’s odd, because significant parts of the email are TRUE, but it does have a few incorrect assertions.  Snopes’ practice in such situations is usually to say something is partly true and partly false, and to be very clear on the distinctions regarding which is which.  One can only wonder why that practice was not followed in this report, which was simply declared FALSE at the top, and only a careful reader would discover that much of it was TRUE.

The email first gives the history of the involvement with Fannie Mae of former CEO Jim Johnson, former CEO Franklin Raines, and former CFO Tim Howard.  Even Snopes does not deny the accuracy of this summary.

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Oct 12 2008

Teddy Roosevelt: not a saint, a prophet, or particularly good role model

Category: election 2008,McCain,politicsharmonicminer @ 9:19 am

Knowing a bit more about Teddy Roosevelt than the whitewash they teach in the public schools, I’ve gotten just a bit tired of hearing McCain constantly refer to him as an icon worthy of emulation. So I was especially glad to read George Will’s take on TR, and whether he’s the model for McCain. Speaking of TR, Will writes:

He was an individualist who considered the individualism of others an impediment to the social unity required for national greatness. Having read Darwin’s “The Origin of Species” at age 14, and having strenuously transformed himself from an asthmatic child into a robust adult, he advocated “warrior republicanism” (Hawley’s phrase). TR saw virtue emerging from struggle, especially violent struggle, between nations and between the “Anglo-Saxon” race and lesser races. Blending “muscular Christianity,” the “social gospel” — which sanctified the state as an instrument of moral reclamation — and Darwinian theory, TR believed that human nature evolved toward improvement through conflict.

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