Apr 08 2011

Redstate: Ezra Klein Supports Killing Black Babies

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 7:54 pm

This from Redstate is absolutely on target: Ezra Klein Supports Killing Black Babies|


What’s wrong with you, bitter clingers? Don’t you realize that a dead child is a cheap child? I mean, all dead babies cost is the funds to suck or cut them mercilessly from their mother’s womb. Presto! No more pesky expenses of a living child.

Ezra Klein, writing at the Washington Post, actually proffers that argument in favor of  taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood; that abortions are cheaper for the government than having an “unintended pregnancy”. (That’s their euphemism for unborn baby killed by abortion.) His article is filled with predictable talking points, all easily disproved – the SBA List has already done so here.  Setting the horrid spin aside, his concluding paragraph is truly vile:

The fight also isn’t about cutting spending. The services Planned Parenthood provides save the federal government a lot of money. It’s somewhat cold to put it in these terms, but taxpayers end up bearing a lot of the expense for unintended pregnancies among people without the means to care for their children.

Did you mean among “those people”, Ezra? After all, the majority of babies aborted are minority babies. In New York City alone, nearly 60% of unborn African-American children were aborted.

Somewhat cold, Ezra? I’d go with revolting and sick, but that’s just me. Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, however, would surely be proud of you.
The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.” – Margaret Sanger

 Fellow travelers of the abortion “rights” industry, be proud.

I’ll never understand why so many self-described “diversity activists” vote for abortion promoting politicians, which describes essentially all Democrats (what else can you call a party that supports unlimited abortion for any reason at any time in the pregnancy before birth?).

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One Response to “Redstate: Ezra Klein Supports Killing Black Babies”

  1. innermore says:

    Really? You’re not seriously trying to “understand” Democrats, are you? What’s the use? To you it seems they are completely, hopelessly genocidal.

    C’mon, say what you really mean. Quit biting around the edges. Defeat these wicked baby-killers forever. Make abortion a felony. Incarcerate whoever: Cecile Richards, doctors, clinicians, nurses, shrinks, abettors, moms, dads, their parents, liberals, the Democratic Party, Western Secular Culture, and anybody else within our shores that would ever consider it. Expunge the very thought of abortion from the face of the earth, and under the face too. Whatever it takes so that those poor, knocked-up African-American New Yorkers, and all accidentally pregnant Americans, bear their children and never kill them. Then there shall finally be peace and morality in the land.

    I’ve obviously missed the “real truth” behind it all. But it sounds like quite a ruckus. I hope you guys don’t think something like this will happen quickly.

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