Don’t get me wrong. I usually like Tom Selleck’s acting, and he even seems to be somewhat conservative in his politics.
But this new series, Blue Bloods, about a cop family in New York, with Selleck as Police Commissioner, really, really jumped the shark in episode 5. They couldn’t even get through the first handful of episodes without trotting out that favorite of Hollywood, the white American female terrorist of non-Middle Eastern descent.
This time it’s a typical looking neighborhood mom who is looking to blow up Central Park with her son and estranged husband as unwilling victims, all in the name of Allah.
So they got it half right. Yes, virtually all homicidal terrorist types are Islamic. But no, they are virtually never females of European descent who are recent converts to Islam.
But Hollywood is all about fiction. Sometimes even fantasy.
January 3rd, 2011 11:14 am
Who was it that said something to the effect: If you tell a lie often enough and loud enough it becomes truth. Once again Hollywierd is trying to change facts to fit their skewed view of the world.
January 9th, 2011 1:05 am
Well, it looks like they got it a bit more than “half right.” Or maybe they got it half right, but a different half right. European descent check. Middle class check. Extremist check. Islamic no. Female no.
Can’t fault them for trying. Too bad there are virtually no non-Islamic terrorists around.