Daily Presidential Tracking Poll – Rasmussen Reportsâ„¢
As the House prepares to vote on the health care plan proposed by the President and Congressional Democrats, just 41% of voters favor the plan while 54% are opposed. Those figures include 26% who Strongly Favor the plan and 45% who are Strongly Opposed. Most voters believe it will raise the cost of health care and reduce the quality of care. Still, nearly two-out-of-three voters believe it is at least somewhat likely to pass and become law.
From a political perspective, 50% of voters are less likely to vote for a Member of Congress who supports the health care reform plan proposed by the President and Congressional Democrats. Just 20% believe that most Members of Congress will understand the proposed health care bill before they vote on it.
Here’s the graphic truth about public opinion on Obama’s presidency so far:
It’s those “strongly approve” and “strongly disapprove” people who feel most strongly, and who will be activists and donors for the coming campaigns. That “strongly disapprove” number ought to make clear the political suicide being practiced by any congress-critter in a “purple” district who votes for the health care federal take-over.