Mar 09 2009

Funding illegals: how to pay for everything twice

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 6:44 pm

Stimulus Loophole Gives 300,000 Jobs to Illegals

An estimated 300,000 construction jobs paid for by the stimulus plan will go to illegal workers after leading Democrats removed a provision requiring verification of citizenship, a leading immigration expert tells Newsmax.

The House version of the $787 billion stimulus bill required verification of the legal residency of anyone put to work by its spending. But that provision was removed from the bill before members of Congress met to reconcile the House and Senate versions of the bill.

Steven Camarota, director of research for the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS), tells Newsmax the verification provision was deleted by Democratic leaders even before the bill reached the conference committee, where differences between House and Senate legislation are normally ironed out.

Mar 09 2009

Pay attention: you will hear this material again

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 6:06 pm

This was first posted here the day before the election, November 3, 2008. Obviously, some of you didn’t listen carefully, and voted for Obama. So here it is again. Pay attention this time.  And ask yourself which of the politicians in Washington these days is rewarding the right people with your hard-earned tax money.

Milton Friedman is one of the all time brilliant economists. Ironically, he was at University of Chicago, the old stomping grounds of THE ONE. Here is a pretty old video… you can tell by how young Phil Donahue looks. And you’ll be able to tell, if you’re younger, that the hip discussions you’ve had in bashing capitalism and free markets are not new. You may not know anything much about the Soviet Union, because academics and teachers are mostly embarrassed at having been so wrong about it, so they didn’t bother to teach you about it, either.  Still, the points are very clear.

Milton Friedman – Phil Donahue

Mar 09 2009

How big is a trillion?

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 5:54 pm

Visualizing a Trillion: Just How Big That Number Is?

Courtesy the credit crisis and big bailout packages, the figure “trillion” has suddenly become part of our everyday conversations. One trillion dollars, or 1 followed by 12 zeros, is lots of money but have you ever tried visualizing how big that number actually is?

Go to the link for pictures.

Mar 09 2009

The price of a life

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 9:06 am

Yoni the Blogger

Yemeni court fines man $250,000 for fatal shooting of local Jew

Details at the link.  So, the new version of the insanity defense in Islamic countries is “mentally incompetent” but rich enough to pay $250,000.

Just have to wonder, would a mentally incompetent Jew who killed a Muslim in Yemen be allowed to just pay a fine and walk away?

Mar 08 2009


Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 7:07 pm

Learning how to pray? Relearning how to pray?

Sometimes we just don’t know how, or where to start, especially if we feel ourselves to be in a “spiritual dry spell.” You might try Praying Through The Psalms.  They are sometimes brutally honest cries of the heart, from one of God’s favorite very-imperfect people.

Or you might try this.

The evangelical tradition of “improvisatory prayer” has much to recommend it.  But it’s also a box that can capture the spirit by limiting it to one’s own ability to think in words, spontaneously.  God hears our prayers, verbal and non-verbal…  and I think that praying beautifully written and inspired prayers from others has the ability, oddly, to liberate our own non-verbal prayers, as we give our assent and emotional force to the words of someone else.  Sometimes, when the mind has something worthwhile to chew on, the heart is freed.

Jesus seems to have thought this was a pretty good idea, too.

Mar 08 2009

Why don’t university “justice weeks” include anti-Semitism as an issue?

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 7:03 pm

Pajamas Media » Jew-Hatred Is All Too Real in the West   Much more at the link.

On February 21, 130 delegates from 40 countries took part in a British government-backed conference of the Inter-parliamentary Coalition for Combating Antisemitism (ICCA). On February 22 this coalition, also known as the London Conference on Combating Antisemitism, convened by a group whose majority was non-Jewish, issued a statement acknowledging that the scourge was at its highest level in recent memory.

And in answer to the question posed in the title of this post: because “justice week” everywhere is an exercise of the Left, and the Left can’t be bothered to say much about anti-Semitism, because then someone might think they support Israel.

Here’s a simple little experiment.  Do a google search for these terms: “social justice” (put it in quotes like this), university, and anti-Semitism. Your search entry should look like this:

     “social justice” university anti-Semitism

Compare the kinds of hits you get with this search string:

     “social justice” university racism

or just

     “social justice” university

I think the message is pretty clear that, to university planners of “justice” programs, anti-Semitism isn’t even an afterthought.

Mar 08 2009

Catholics under attack in NY

Category: Catholic,churchharmonicminer @ 9:27 am – N.Y. Catholics: Dems Trying to Bankrupt Church

Democrats have declared war on the Catholic Church, with new laws that threaten to bankrupt Catholic schools, hospitals, charities and parishes. Thus far, the worst attacks have come in New York.

“We’ve taken a lot of hits this year,” Dennis Poust, spokesman for the New York State Catholic Conference, the policy arm of the state’s Catholic bishops, tells Newsmax. “Outside the government, the Catholic Church is the largest provider of health, human services and education in [New York]. But some legislators are so driven by malice that they’re willing to see our charities and schools go under.”

The Empire State’s Democrats are attacking on three fronts.

# A proposal to require all hospitals to perform abortions, or lose their state license would put Catholic hospitals out of business.

# Major funding cuts for Catholic schools by Gov. David Paterson, who continues to force the parochial schools to run state-mandated programs at their own expense.

# An effort by Democratic lawmakers to abolish the statute of limitations on sex abuse lawsuits against the Church, allowing people to sue over decades-old cases in which the alleged perpetrators are dead.

The proposed sex-abuse law applies only to private institutions such as the Church and the Boy Scouts. Public schools are exempt. Yet sex abuse is more common in public schools than in private institutions.

Read the whole thing.

But consider:

1) The Freedom of Choice Act, if passed by Congress and signed by Obama (who has already promised to do so), would institute even greater assaults on the freedom of Catholic and other religiously founded hospitals not to do abortion, nationwide, not just in New York. And it would create a situation where no medical personnel would have a “freedom of conscience” protection so they would not be forced to participate in abortions of convenience.

2) The current budget proposal in Congress, favored by Obama, removes the charitable giving deduction from the tax code, which would surely significant reduce giving to all kinds of charitable organizations, hospitals, churches, relief organizations, orphanages, schools, you name it.

So New York State is just a little bit ahead of federal policy… but only a little bit.

The all out assault on the church, which has been gaining steam for awhile now, is on with a vengeance. And make no mistake, vengeance is the intent of the perpetrators.

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Mar 07 2009

An archbishop on Obama’s HHS pick

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 10:46 pm

Archbishop Joseph F. Naumann on the Sebelius Nomination | Moral Accountability

The appointment of Governor Sebelius as the Secretary of Health and Human Services concerns me on many levels. With her history of support for legalized abortion and embryonic stem cell research, it is troubling the important influence that she will have on shaping health care policies for our nation.

I am also concerned personally for Governor Sebelius. Her appointment as Health and Human Services Secretary places her in a position where, unless she is prepared to reverse her own long held positions, will involve her with the development and implementation of policies that will only deepen her cooperation with the destruction of innocent human life.

I am also concerned that the appointment of Governor Sebelius places another Catholic supporting legalized abortion in a prominent national position. It saddens me that so many Catholic politicians, to gain political advancement have chosen to compromise their Catholic faith by their failure to defend the most fundamental of all human rights – the right to life.

The protection of conscience rights for individuals and institutions is another extremely important issue. If efforts are successful in having abortion included amongst “basic health care services,” then it is entirely possible that doctors, nurses and health care institutions will be compelled to cooperate in the provision of abortion. Advocates for the so called “right to abortion” would love to see Catholic hospitals faced with the choice to either cooperate in providing abortions or close.

In many important areas Governor Sebelius embraces Catholic social teaching. She has advocated for more affordable housing for the poor, she has worked to expand access to health care for economically disadvantaged children, and she has supported incentives encouraging adoption. Still, for the reasons stated above, her appointment is ill advised.

Mar 07 2009

It Ain’t Your Money To Spend

Category: economy,musicharmonicminer @ 3:46 pm

I always said that jazz tells the truth.

Now Kathleen Stewart speaks truth to power.

It Ain’t Your Money To Spend

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Mar 07 2009

Un PC warning

Category: abortionharmonicminer @ 10:30 am

Here is a website whose major topic is the black genocide of the unborn. Fair warning: some will find it offensive because of its Ku Klux Klan imagery. But if you have the courage to actually read it, you’ll discover that it is DECRYING the abortion of black babies, not encouraging it, though the satire is a bit heavy, perhaps.

Planned Parenthood clinics kill more Blacks than the Ku Klux Klan

Planned Parenthood operates the nation’s largest chain of abortion clinics and
almost 80 percent of its facilities are located in minority neighborhoods.

And if you click on the link labelled “What the Ku Klux Klan Could Only Dream About
The Abortion Industry is Accomplishing
“, you see this, among other things:

Lynching by the Ku Klux Klan isn’t as efficient at killing Blacks as Planned Parenthood abortions. Thanks to them, in America today, almost as many black babies are killed by abortion as are born.

This brochure presents abortion statistics that highlight the genocide that is being waged on the Black community by Planned Parenthood and the supporters of legalized abortion. It also exposes the racist ideas of Planned Parenthood’s founder, Margaret Sanger, who openly admitted in her autobiography that she was once the featured speaker at a KKK meeting.

The truth revealed by the abortion facts and quotes in this brochure will open your eyes.

And then there’s this tidbit:

Lynching is for amateurs.

A bit heavy handed?  Perhaps.  But if you’re more offended by this page than you’re offended by abortion, including the deliberate attempt to minimize the black race that was intended by Margaret Sanger and the original founders of Planned Parenthood, then you’re simply morally tone-deaf.

Click the links, and look into your soul.  Can you tolerate this?


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