In the traditions of Six Contradictions of Marxism, I present Seven Contradictions of Diversity, because Marxism was invented by dead white men, and what’s so special about the number “six”? Herewith:
Seven Contradictions of Diversity
* Your college has an Office of Diversity — yet it isn’t diverse enough
* It isn’t diverse enough — yet it celebrates diversity constantly
* It celebrates diversity constantly — yet faculty of color are oppressed
* Faculty of color are oppressed — yet they are constantly invited to speak their mind
* They are constantly invited to speak their mind — yet they are marginalized and ignored
* They are marginalized and ignored — yet many are hired as faculty and promoted to important administrative positions to develop “diversity weeks”, “diversity courses”, and “faculty diversity committees” in order to promote people of color.
* They attain unprecedented political clout focused on a single issue — yet they’re still “speaking truth to power”