NASA reports 2008 is ninth warmest year since 1880 – Yahoo! News
The year 2008 was the ninth warmest year since instrumental temperature measurements began in 1880, and all of the nine warmest years have occurred in the past 11 years, NASA reported on Tuesday.
This is simply false. The hottest year on record since 1880 is 1934. The second hottest year is 1998. Don’t expect a correction on this report. But be aware that you simply cannot believe what is reported on this in the major media.
The ten hottest years are, according to NASA (after some recent, painful revisions, embarassing as they were), in order of heat:
1934, 1998, 1921, 2006, 1931, 1999, 1953, 1990, 1938, 1939
Draw your own conclusions about AP’s and Yahoo’s ability to read and research, and remind yourself of that whenever you read a story from either on this point… and many others, of course.
In any case, NASA has established a recent habit of false reporting, and failing to validate its own records and reports, and then having to recant later. Call it the Hansen effect. When you’ve publicly committed to such an extreme position, you’ll say anything to put a good face on it. Sadly, a great many more people have the same commitment, particularly politicians and media types. Every time you see an “anthropogenic global warming (AGW) denier” accused of being paid by “big oil”, ask if the accuser knows how much money is taken by scientists from the government, IF they’ll sign on to AGW as the thing they are researching.
By a factor of ten or more, scientists get more more money to support global warming than to deny it, even if you assume that all “big business” money is given purely to fund the denial of AGW. It IS clear that no scientist can get ANY money from the government unless their research proposal assumes AGW in the first place.
So how surprising is it that they keep “confirming” it, on the government nickel?
But they really should get their story straight.
Tags: global warming