Nov 21 2008

New World Odor

Category: UNharmonicminer @ 9:03 am

Many perspicacious UN watchers, who thought John Bolton was the ideal UN Ambassador from the USA, have been very disappointed in the ways Bush has handled the UN in the last three years or so.  Another improper use of the filibuster by Democrats kept Bolton from being the permanent UN Ambassador under Bush, and Bush seemed to just lose heart for fighting the UN battle after that, when Bolton’s “recess appointment” expired.  To get a real flavor for the diseased cesspool that is the UN, read Bolton’s book, and ponder how it can possibly be in America’s interest to be “thought well of” by such a body, or how it can be evidence of our strength, resolve, and commitment to human rights around the world that the UN’s petty dictators are allowed to arrogate to themselves equality with a democratic, republican government, on the UN Human Rights Commission, no less.  And wonder exactly what it means that the U.N. seems completely thrilled with the ascension of Obama to the throne.

Here is Anne Bayefsky, who characterizes Bush’s first term as “Bush II” (his father was Bush I), and Bush’s second term as (Bush III), looking back critically at Bush III, and ahead ominously at Obama I, in the U.N.American Agenda at National Review Online

Nobody is happier about the election of Barack Obama to the Presidency of the United States than the folks at the United Nations. It is as if they finally discovered kryptonite, and Superman will soon be disabled.

The U.N. is an uncomplicated place. Every sick, unsatiated tyrant, European has-been, or miserable wretch brainwashed about the Great Satan wants to take America down, unless they are able to immigrate of course. Their modus operandi? The United Nations.

The beauty of it, from the perspective of the majority, is that Americans are paying for their own demise. Americans are even convinced that the flagellation must be deserved.

President Obama will take over from where what might be called “Bush III” left off. The foreign policy of Bush II was so different than that of the man currently in office, it’s hard to ascribe them to the same human being. Even die-hard U.N. enthusiasts admit they were pleased with many aspects of the American-UN relationship over the last few years, particularly after Bush III fed Bush II’s U.N. ambassador John Bolton to the wolves. Ongoing genocide in Darfur was shuffled off to the ponderous International Criminal Court. The Israel-Lebanon war was “solved” with a Security Council resolution. The U.N. reform package, and any serious effort at economic oversight after Kofi Annan’s Oil-for-food scandal, was tossed out the window. The green light was given to a multi-billion dollar renovation of U.N. headquarters in midtown Manhattan, notwithstanding advice that it could have done for a fraction of the cost. Efforts to tie reform or accountability to American U.N. contributions were abandoned, and five billion a year flows smoothly from American taxpayers to U.N. bank accounts.

On November 13, 2008, Bush III will chum around with Saudi mobster King Abdullah at U.N. premises in New York. The occasion is a Saudi-initiated event on “a culture of peace” which a U.N. spokesperson describes as “religious dialogue, plus.” The spectacle completes the Bush III metamorphosis. Think back to the image of Christian American soldiers stationed in Saudi Arabia in order to protect the country from Saddam Hussein, but forced to hide the crosses around their necks because their public display is a criminal act in the Kingdom?

Bush III notwithstanding, President Obama will have what his friends will call an unprecedented opportunity to tie American foreign policy to the U.N. ship of state, lance it down, and sail off into the sunset, never to be separated again. The predicament of the Saudi wife would be an apt comparison.

The U.N. apparatus has mapped out the priorities for President Obama’s early days in office (taking it for granted he’ll be hightailing it out of Iraq), and the only question is how fast President Obama will say “I do.” Here’s the plan now sitting on the President-elect’s desk:

— Run for election to the U.N. Human Rights Council as a vote of confidence in the U.N. “human rights” apparatus and the ability to change it from the inside. (Forget that the U.S. would have one vote, that the Western regional group of states is overwhelmingly outnumbered, and that reform of an agency serving the human rights abusers is the last thing of interest to the abusers firmly in control.)

— Decide to participate in the Durban II “anti-racism” conference in April 2009, and send along a high-level emissary such as the Secretary of State. It would be hard to run for re-election to the Human Rights Council without attending the Council’s number-one priority, which is scheduled to take place shortly before the election. (Ignore that Durban II is a unredeemable and dangerous fraud. It adopts an anti-racism mantra to foment racism, the demonization of Israel and the defeat of free speech.)

— Revitalize the Middle East Quartet, which drives the Arab-Israeli conflict through a multilateral prism with the U.N. as a full and equal partner. (Dismiss the fact that the U.N. partner always weighs in on just one side of the conflict, adopting the predetermined position that Israel is the “root” of the problem and any Arab “peace” proposal is the solution.)

— Put Israel on the chopping block. “Israel first” has long been the calling card of the UN. The U.N. governing principle is this: “if only Israel did x, y, and z,” (the list to be expanded in response to successive Arab no’s), animus against the West would cease, terrorism would stop, the messiah would appear, and there would be no more war. (This might be called the “ass-backwards approach to Middle East politics,” since Israel is actually on the front line of the war against democracy and America’s way of life, not bringing up the rear. Serving up an Israeli hors d’oeuvre is just that, first course.)

It’s just barely possible the Rahm Emmanuel as Obama’s chief of staff can exert a moderating force here on all the anti-Israeli sentiments of other Obamian insiders, even if only in reminding Obama of the political calculus; he needs the Jewish vote to be re-elected.

— Drive the effort to stop terrorism through the 2006 United Nations Global Counter-Terrorism Strategy. (The strategy contains no definition of terrorism since U.N. members can’t agree on what counts as terrorism. It inverts priorities by focusing first and foremost on alleged “conditions conducive to the spread of terrorism,” such as “poverty” and “youth unemployment” “religious discrimination” and “socio-economic marginalization.” Plain old Jew-hatred or enmity of freedom and equality are mysteriously absent from the list of causes.)

— Agree to some form of global taxation, giving rise to an even more powerful, wealthy, and undemocratic U.N. fiefdom (and a poorer America).

All that remains is for President Obama to put a date beside each one of the items on the U.N.’s first “to do” list. And down we’ll go.

There are some conservatives who used to fear Bush I’s “new world order”, seeing apocalyptic hints of one world government. They were crying wolf, then. Maybe not now. The UN agrees with Obama that taxes should be raised on the rich, and “common sense” restrictions on the right to “keep and bear arms” should be instituted. The problem is that by that logic, the USA is “the rich”, and it is our own military on which “common sense restrictions” should be placed, which Obama plans to do by agreeing to the Law of the Sea Treaty also known as LOST,  and the International Criminal Court.

The Left sees the world’s problems as the “difference between rich and poor”, instead of the difference between free and not-free.  Obama hasn’t signaled any awareness, so far, that he really understands the difference, and that words on paper can bind US sovereignty for decades to come.

Look for an episode of “Judge Juri of the International Criminal Court” coming soon on DirecTV, in which a US Navy Captain is tried for sinking a small boat laden with explosives, making a run for his ship in, oh, say, Yemen.  Think it can’t happen?  Sudan has been a member of the UN Human Rights Council….  no absurdity can possibly top that.


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