Oct 21 2008


Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 11:46 am

What a lovely sentiment:

Liberal Activist on California Prop 8: If Only Lots of Old Voters Died Before Election

The Weekly Standard, video at the link

Obama’s own words:  he makes the case against himself without manipulation

Remember when Sarah Palin was “ducking” the media, and the media’s reaction?

Biden is not only refusing any interaction with the press, he is, for the most part, not even taking any questions from voters during his campaign stops.

Al Qaeda and Affiliates Gear Up in Africa

The NEFA Foundation has released several new videos that show how much emphasis al Qaeda and its affiliates are placing on Africa, as well as the growing ability to plug into the radical Islamist propaganda machine, which keeps churning out its hate-laced videos in an effort to attract new recruits.

Barney Frank on tax policy, video at the link

“Yes, I believe later on there should be tax increases. Speaking personally, I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax at a point down the road and recover some of this money.”

Oct 21 2008

Dying from too much care

The patient takes vitamins and minerals in doses recommended by most physicians, and gets plenty of exercise.

The patient eats a reasonably healthy diet.  However, the patient depends to a large degree on imported food, which has become very expensive, and while the patient could grow plenty of home grown food, the patient hasn’t been planting enough lately to sustain present and future dietary needs.  So the patient is hungry, and losing weight

The patient is mysteriously ill.  Upon examination, it appears that the patient has been slowly poisoned.  The patient’s immune system and general state of health might have been sufficient to cover the symptoms of the poisoning longer, except for the strain imposed by the recent hunger and weight loss.  The symptoms have been coming on for sometime, but only recently have they become indisputable.

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Oct 20 2008

Evangelicals, politics and society: what the Left wishes was true, but isn’t

Category: election 2008,left,philosophy,politics,right,theologyharmonicminer @ 2:17 pm

J. Daryl Charles, author of “Between Pacifism and Jihad“, comments on an example of journalistic wish-fulfillment in which David D. Kirkpatrick prays earnestly for the “crack-up of Evangelical politics”. Well, to be fair, he only cheerleads what he wishes was the end of Right-leaning evangelicalism.  After pointing out that the trends present in mega-churches and the “emerging” church are not dispositive of the major part of evangelical Christendom, Charles, whose knowledge of evangelicalism is wide and deep, provides plenty of examples that were in Kirkpatrick’s backyard, but which he failed to notice…  maybe the fences were too high in New York City, so Kirkpatrick had to go to the midwest to find something to write about.  Ending graphs, though Charles’ entire take is worth reading:

And yet, had Kirkpatrick done his homework, his research would have taken him, not to Wichita, Kansas, but to his own backyard and New York City, where evangelical congregations are vibrant and socially engaged. Consider, for example, the very large and increasingly influential Redeemer Presbyterian Church in Manhattan, which embodies what is salutary, healthy, and encouraging about Protestant evangelicalism. But because Redeemer, given its simultaneous commitments to theological orthodoxy and social responsibility, has been making a difference in the city for almost two decades (and doing so without a so-called leftward political shift), such evidence would undermine Kirkpatrick’s thesis. Similar examples abound in metropolitan areas nationwide.
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Oct 20 2008

The end is near

Category: humorsardonicwhiner @ 9:05 am

There is something to be said for just giving up.   For accepting that the end is just around the corner, and embracing the suck.   Betcha can’t guess where this article comes from: The American way of life is dead…

The American way of life, a system unsustainable by any stretch of the imagination, was facilitated on two facts: cheap gas and a valuable currency, the currency than morphing into cheap credit.

Since the US signed a deal with Saudi Arabia to value oil only in US dollar, something that happened in 1948, the US dollar has been a powerful currency, quickly rising to the level of the world reserve currency. As soon as all nations needed the dollar to purchase oil, there seemed to be no end as to how many dollars could be printed and what first the US government and than the ever down sized taxpayer, could afford…just add the cheap credit.

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Oct 20 2008

Baseball Done The Obama Way

Category: Obama,sportsamuzikman @ 12:21 am

I went to my son’s baseball game today.  He had an amazing game, if I do say so myself. And as his father I am definitely claiming bragging rights, at least for the foreseeable future!

In the third inning he came up with bases loaded and hit a double to right-center field. 3 runs scored. In the fifth inning he came up with the bases loaded again.  This time he hit a grand slam home run over the center field fence.  He also had a single and drove in a total of 7 runs in the game.

My son, who is now 16, has played organized baseball pretty much continually since he was 7. He has played in both spring and fall city leagues as well as having spent several years in travel-ball which is a year-round commitment.  Since the age of 9 he has trained privately with a former professional baseball player, often twice a week.  His training has included lessons in both pitching and hitting.  He has also spent countless hours in weight rooms, batting cages and even more hours in the back yard either hitting off a tee, throwing into a net or playing catch with me.  In short he has worked very hard to refine and multiply his talents and today was no fluke, it was the fruit of his labor.

On my son’s high school team is a another young man (my son’s best friend) who never played baseball until the 9th grade.  He tries very hard but it’s a struggle for him to keep up because he does not have the same experience that many other player have. I don’t know what his hobbies and interests were before high school but it is safe to say he was doing something else during the many hours my son was playing and training.

Now if Citizen Obama were allowed to apply his wealth redistribution tax plan to baseball, things might have gone like this today: After my son’s third at-bat a time-out would have been called. The umpire would announce that it wasn’t fair for my son to have 7 RBI while some of the other players (like my son’s friend) had none. The Obama Rule would then be invoked – Anyone driving in more than 3 runs in a game shall be forced by the umpire to share the extra RBIs with players having none, to be distributed at the discretion of the umpire to players on both teams. This rule would guarantee a more equitable distribution of runs scored and helps all players to have more RBIs. Well.. all but my son that is – the one who worked very hard and who sacrificed so much for so long to be the very best he could.

Can you imagine a baseball game where the goal of each game was a tie score and for all players to have the same stats? Neither can I.

Can you imagine the United States as a place where governmental limitations are imposed on hard work and sacrifice? Where citizens are subjected to punitive taxation if they work “too” hard, earn “too” much and become “too” successful? Neither can I.

But Obama can…

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Oct 20 2008

Islamic censorship is alive and well in the West, not just Saudi Arabia

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 12:15 am

The religion of perpetual anger once again performs a successful act of de facto censorship due to fears of what will happen if to media producers if they don’t knuckle under. Imagine if Southern Baptists had protested the blasphemous use of a bible verse. I can hear the laughter now.

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Oct 19 2008

Global warming reduction: at what cost?

Category: economy,environment,global warming,politicsharmonicminer @ 9:05 am

Bjorn Lomborg asks, why cut one 3,000th of a degree? That’s about how much difference Britain’s proposed policies will make, while costing ENORMOUS sums of money. Key graphs:

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Oct 18 2008

Tolerating the intolerable

Category: theologyharmonicminer @ 11:04 pm

In George Will’s article on the travails of the Anglican communion, the shrinkage of the American Episcopalians and British Anglicans, accompanied by the growth of the African communions, is described as centering most obviously on the issue of ordaining gay clergy, but more fundamentally on the interpretation of scripture and adherence to tradition. Some key graphs:


It is not the secessionists such as Duncan who are, as critics charge, obsessed with homosexuality. The Episcopal Church’s leadership is latitudinarian — tolerant to the point of incoherence, Duncan and kindred spirits think — about clergy who deviate from traditional church teachings concerning such core doctrines as the divinity of Christ, the authority of scripture and the path to salvation. But the national church insists on the ordination of openly gay clergy and on blessing same-sex unions.

In the 1960s, Bishop James Pike of California, who urged the church to jettison such “theological baggage” as the doctrines of Original Sin and the Trinity, was the last active bishop disciplined for theological reasons. Duncan doubts whether Pike would be disciplined today.

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Oct 18 2008

The crisis of American democracy

Category: humorharmonicminer @ 9:17 am

A weird mixture of fact and fancy. You really can’t make this stuff up.

First, let us establish, dear reader, the fact that the United States of America was never meant nor created as a Democracy. The word, as a matter of fact, never appears in any of the original documents of the Founding Fathers of America. Nor in their writings, which if anything, take democracy in a very poor light. So to see that America is now a democracy is to show that as a nation it’s government is a hypocrisy and out right lie, an illegality that is no longer based on a constitution but on the whim of a small and all powerful elite.

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Oct 17 2008

Is This The Change You Had In Mind?

Category: Obamaamuzikman @ 10:04 am

There is a pretty good article in The Wall Street Journal Online about what we can expect with a Democrat in the White House and a democratic “super”- majority in Congress.

It is popular (and easy) to simply blame the current resident of the White House for all problems, big and small. This election cycle is no different, it’s happening now just as it has in past political campaigns and demand for change is an oft-repeated cry.  In fact it is the campaign slogan of Citizen Obama.

The problem lies within the meaning of the word “change”.  It is safe to say change is coming, especially with an Obama win.  Therefore we should all be at least mildly curious about what sort of change we can expect.  If the Democrat super-majority is realized our country may very well change to a point so as to become unrecognizable.

Click here to read the WSJ article

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