Oct 25 2008

Potpouri #2

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 8:15 pm

Several must reads below the fold.

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Oct 25 2008

With This Proposition I Thee Wed….

Category: gay marriageamuzikman @ 6:36 pm

Here in California we have a proposition on the November ballot that would amend the state constitution, defining marriage as between one man and one woman. This issue has already been the subject of a  state-wide vote in California and in 2000 Prop 22 passed with a 61%-38% margin.  But four members of the California Supreme Court decided they knew better than the voters and declared Prop 22 unconstitutional, (and who says you can’t legislate from the bench?). Thus we now have Prop 8.

Prior to voting on this very important issue it might not be a bad idea to examine what has happened in Massachusetts since gay marriage was legalized there.

There is an article is posted on the website of a group called Mass Resistance, a self-described “pro-family action group” in Massachusetts. It is a sobering read.  Do not be naive, this issue is about MUCH more than simply being able to marry the one you love.

PLEASE take the time to read, “What same-sex marriage has done to Massachusetts”.  Then vote “yes” on Proposition 8.

click here to read the entire article


Oct 25 2008

African American Male Interaction

Category: diversityharmonicminer @ 9:03 am

Mike Adams describes a new college course called Effective Interactions With African-American Males.  Here’s the catalog description, and you can read his comments at the link:

Using an African-centered philosophical worldview and a racial socialization framework, this class will use participatory education to equip undergraduate and/or graduate students, to “better” understand and effectively work alongside and with young adult African-American men. The core tenets underlying this class are racial oppression exists, matters, is ubiquitous and pernicious and that those most affected are often ignorant of this reality.

Adams asks several questions about the course and its content, some funny, some tragic, and worth reading.

Continue reading “African American Male Interaction”


Oct 24 2008

I wish Fred could have debated Obama

Category: election 2008harmonicminer @ 5:27 pm

From the candidate we might have had, if the early primary states had closed primaries (i.e., if you had to be registered for a party to vote for its candidate) and none were caucus states, Fred Thompson speaks eloquently:

It’s time for those of us who are concerned about our nation’s future to focus on what is at stake in this year’s elections. This is a time of great challenge for our country. We know that somewhere in the world our worst enemies either have, or are trying to get their hands on, the most dangerous weapons known to man. Small rogue nations are developing nuclear weapons and threaten our allies. Large nations are engaged in massive military buildups.
Continue reading “I wish Fred could have debated Obama”


Oct 24 2008

Palestinian newspaper editorial calls for better protection for Israelis: “Criminal Neglect” of Palestinian police

Category: humor,Israel,Palestinesardonicwhiner @ 8:56 am

In a sign of the growing freedom of the press in Palestine, a newspaper editorial has criticized the “criminal neglect” of the Palestinian police in failing to protect Israel’s citizens from Palestinian toughs.

Here’s more.

As happens every …. holiday, tens of thousands … accepted the … invitation to take their families to visit olive groves across the country. Many participated in the harvest celebrations and heard the tale of the olive tree, the symbol of peace. And as happens every year when the olive harvest begins, dozens of youths set out…. to confront their …. neighbors. They also threatened human rights activists who volunteered to help the harvesters and beat a photographer who came to document the Sukkot riots.

Read it all.

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Oct 23 2008

Get out of the kitchen

Category: election 2008,McCain,media,Obama,politics,racismharmonicminer @ 8:44 am

The main stream media continues to pursue its “Obama the victim” narrative, portrying him as the victim of hate in some unusual way, and consulting only left-leaning organizations and think-tanks to confirm its thesis.  Of course, if they actually did due diligence and interviewed both sides equally, and compared actual research from both sides, they would discover that there is…  no story!  Can’t have that, and the election isn’t quite in the bag for Obama yet, and so:

An ugly line has been crossed in this presidential campaign, one in which some people don’t mind calling Barack Obama a dangerous Muslim, a terrorist and worse.

And this is somehow worse than the term Bushitler? Let’s just add up the Hitler references to Bush, and compare numbers. But, of course, that would require real research and reporting, and we can’t expect that, can we?  Just count the lawyers and reporters parachuted into Alaska to defame Palin, and compare the numbers to those who have really investigated Obama’s past and alliances, and you’ll get the idea.

“To me, this all feels much worse than we’ve seen in some time,” said Kathryn Kolbert , the president of People for the American Way , which monitors political speech.

Well, yes, because this time it’s YOUR guy on the receiving end of the very kind of hatred that People for the American Way and its allies have stirred up against Bush and Republicans. Except that it isn’t, for the simple reason that no mainstream Republican organization, conservative outlet, commentator or website has used the kind of language being reported here. Rather, it’s a very small fringe of over-the-top extremists, and the Left would love to paint the entire Right as that extreme… but it just won’t wash.

Experts agree on the reasons: Obama, the Democratic nominee, is different from any other major presidential candidate in history in many ways, and people often don’t accept such change gracefully.

Come on, just say it. Obama is black, and we all know those wascally weepublicans are wacists. Oh, and by the way: which “experts”? This is journalism school mumbo-jumbo for “this is what I think, and if I phrase it this way I can pretend it’s straight news”.
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Oct 22 2008

Not new, but probably true

Category: freedom,philosophy,politicsharmonicminer @ 9:39 am

I was reminded of this at azusapacificalumni.com

About the time our original thirteen states adopted their new constitution in 1787, Alexander Tyler, a Scottish history professor at the University of Edinburgh, had this to say about the fall of Athenian Republic some 2000 years earlier: “A democracy is always temporary in nature: it simply cannot exist as a pemanent form of government.”
“A democracy will continue to exist up until the time voters discover they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury.”

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Oct 22 2008

Closing arguments

Category: Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 1:12 am

Here is The comprehensive argument against Barack Obama, much of it in his own words, with links, quotes and video. If you need a single place to which to refer, this is it.

h/t: Hugh Hewitt

Oct 21 2008

A Nation Of Whiners And Believers

Category: election 2008,Group-think,Obamaamuzikman @ 11:05 pm

On July 10, Phil Gramm, former Senator and economic advisor to John McCain said we have become a “nation of whiners”. This, in reference to our economy at the time, was a statement immediately pounced upon by Obama and just as quickly denounced by McCain.

Obviously things have changed with the recent crisis in the financial markets, the causes of which have, and will continue to be much-discussed. Our economy is not what it was in July. But the essential truth of Mr. Gramm’s statement remains. I think his comment was a moment of rare, undiluted truth, spoken I suppose, by someone who should have known better – a career politician.

Continue reading “A Nation Of Whiners And Believers”


Oct 21 2008

Uncle Colin’s Cabin

Category: election 2008,Obamaharmonicminer @ 5:27 pm

Am I the only one who is dumbfounded that Colin Powell can minimize Bill Ayers’ terrorist actions and minimize Obama’s obvious alliance with Ayers?

Powell said he was concerned about what he characterized as a recent negative turn of Republican candidate Sen. John McCain’s campaign, such as the campaign’s attempts to tie Obama to former 1960s radical Bill Ayers.

“I think that’s inappropriate. I understand what politics is about — I know how you can go after one another, and that’s good. But I think this goes too far, and I think it has made the McCain campaign look a little narrow. It’s not what the American people are looking for,” he said.

Powell, OF ALL PEOPLE, surely knows that Ayers and the Weather Underground tried to kill military people by bombing the Pentagon.  Ayers is not a “former 1960s radical”, he is an unrepentant lifetime self-confessed terrorist, anarchist and Marxist.  He has repeatedly affirmed this, making no secret that he performed terrorist acts, and simply got off on a technicality due to a botched FBI investigation that produced inadmissable evidence.

People in the Pentagon COULD HAVE DIED.  It was only incompetence on the part of the Weather creeps that saved the lives of military serving in the Pentagon.  Obama has surely known this for years, or he is an utter fool: take your pick.  And he has worked closely with Ayers for many of those years, and they’ve helped each other in many ways.

I don’t expect any better from Obama.  And I don’t expect any better from the mainstream media in bringing the full nature and depth of the Obama/Ayers relationship to light, or exploring what it tells us about how a President Obama will rule.

But even though I knew Powell was not a conservative, I honestly thought he was an honorable man.  Now I know better.  He is a sellout.  Not to the black activists of the world, but to the WHITE Left-liberal elite who inhabit the Washington/NY axis, to whose cocktail parties the general wants invitations after Obama wins, and who use the black activists to maintain their power.

Uncle Colin has betrayed all those who could have died by Weather creep terrorist action.   I hope the taste is bitter in his mouth when he is alone with his thoughts, and memories.  What would those who could have died that day think now, of a former Joint Chief who supports the good friend and ally of the terrorists, for PRESIDENT?

Simply unbelievable.

Al Sharpton had it right, he just had the wrong person identified as the slave owner.

Go on home, Uncle Colin, they have a nice cabin waiting for you if you don’t get too uppity or independent.

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