Jul 12 2008

The AP, factless AND tactless on Tony Snow’s passing

Category: media,politics,White Househarmonicminer @ 7:51 am

Tony Snow has gone on to his considerable reward. But the AP can’t resist the temptation to take a swipe at President Bush’s former (and best) press secretary:

With a quick-from-the-lip repartee, broadcaster’s good looks and a relentlessly bright outlook, if not always a command of the facts, he became a popular figure around the country to the delight of his White House bosses.

I suppose I should not be surprised at the AP’s editorializing while pretending to do simple reporting. Maybe a couple of examples of “facts” that Snow got wrong? Or is the AP simply referring to the fact that Snow didn’t pretend to know what he didn’t? Is this the AP’s way of characterizing honesty?

Critics suggested that Snow was turning the traditionally informational daily briefing into a personality-driven media event short on facts and long on confrontation. He was the first press secretary, by his own accounting, to travel the country raising money for Republican candidates.

Surely this is the pot calling the kettle black. Everyone with an ounce of sense knows that it is the White House press corps that has turned the daily briefing into “a personality-driven media event short on facts and long on confrontation,” and that this transformation of a once relatively dry information exchange happened long before Tony Snow arrived on the scene. Many reporters “made their careers” by just this method, starting as far back as Dan Rather in the 1970s, and there have been many since, some of whom are still there.

The AP seems shocked that the role of White House Press Secretary is a political one, as well as an informational one. One wonders if they still wear short pants.

Of course, reporters are at their very worst when reporting on other reporters.

We’ll miss you, Tony. A lot.

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Jul 11 2008

Why I’m rereading CS Lewis this summer

Category: freedom,liberty,theologyharmonicminer @ 6:49 pm

CS Lewis in Screwtape Letters: Demons speaking

Hidden in the heart of this striving for Liberty there was also a deep hatred of personal freedom. That invaluable man Rousseau first revealed it. In his perfect democracy, only the state religion is permitted, slavery is restored, and the individual is told that he has really willed (though he didn’t know it) whatever the Government tells him to do. From that starting point, via Hegel (another indispensable propagandist on our side), we easily contrived both the Nazi and the Communist state. Even in England we were pretty successful. I heard the other day that in that country a man could not, without a permit, cut down his own tree with his own axe, make it into planks with his own saw, and use the planks to build a toolshed in his own garden.

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Jul 11 2008

Hizbullah gets new toys…. LOTS of toys

Category: Hamas,Hizbullah,Israel,politics,terrorism,UNharmonicminer @ 9:00 am

I commented earlier on HAMAS turning Gaza into an ammo dump and training field for the coming conflict with Israel. (When isn’t there a coming conflict?) Hizbullah, not to be outdone, is doing the same thing, probably also via arms from Iran and Syria.

Continue reading “Hizbullah gets new toys…. LOTS of toys”

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Jul 10 2008

Someone to Watch Over My Carbon Credits

Category: Al Gore,global warming,humor,musicharmonicminer @ 9:00 am

Oh… my.

They’re going to make an opera about Al Gore’s chicken little book that tries to terrify the world. First there was the book. Then there was a slide show. Then there was a movie about Al Gore narrating a slide show. So: is the opera going to be about Al Gore accepting the Oscar for the movie of him narrating his slide show about his book? This will, I take it, be a comic opera. Or maybe just a parody mass. Or just massively parodied? The Rev. Dr. Professor Gore is looking pretty massive these days. I think the lead role should be sung by a Basso Buffoondo.

They should have renamed the Oscar just for him: it should have been called the OhScare.

After the quote below, I’ve created some new song titles for the opera….

Continue reading “Someone to Watch Over My Carbon Credits”

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Jul 09 2008

Obama is just a better person than the rest of us

Category: Obama,politicsharmonicminer @ 10:54 pm

Power Line: Obama Snickers At His Countrymen — Video here, too— read it all, and watch the video

Barack Obama made a fool of himself again yesterday. At a campaign event in Georgia, he mocked Americans as ignoramuses who go abroad and can’t say anything in French except “merci beaucoup.” (Obama doesn’t speak French.) He said that rather than worrying about immigrants learning English, we must all teach our children to speak Spanish. (Obama doesn’t speak Spanish, either.)

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Jul 09 2008

“Unaccountable Corporations”, or “Unaccountable Government”?

Category: capitalism,corporations,corruption,economyharmonicminer @ 12:00 pm

It’s popular on the Left to bash corporations, and, by extension, capitalism, for just about every evil under the sun. When you dig a little deeper into most corporate abuses (the really big ones, that is), you tend to find that the real problem was government, which is the only way corporations can get enough power to do really bad things. Regulations, set-asides, sweetheart deals, mandated monopolies (it isn’t a monopoly if the government gives it to you), etc., are only possible when government sticks out its hand to corporations and says, “If you pay me now, I’ll pay you later.” True capitalism, which does NOT include giveaways by government to large corporations (or anyone else) would not include things like this.

Continue reading ““Unaccountable Corporations”, or “Unaccountable Government”?”

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Jul 09 2008

When Doing Nothing Is The Right Thing To Do

Category: global warming,politicsharmonicminer @ 10:00 am

President Bush met with G-8 nations (U.S., Britain, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Japan and Russia), as well as developing nations China, India, Brazil, Mexico and South Africa, on a variety of matters, including “climate change”.

It was a lot of “happy talk”

President Bush on Wednesday hailed the move by G-8 leaders to coalesce behind a broad climate-change strategy, saying in a valedictory to summitry that “significant progress” has been made on global warming.

“In order to address climate change, all major economies must be at the table, and that’s what took place today,” Bush said. Environmentalists said the summit’s broad pledge to work toward slashing greenhouse gas emissions by 50 percent by 2050 did not go far enough.

Well, of course not. The eco-hysterics won’t be happy until we’re all living on raw vegetables and riding bicycles made with 19th century technology (what few of us remain, after the necessary die-off of the parasitical human population). Continue reading “When Doing Nothing Is The Right Thing To Do”

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Jul 08 2008

Why the Twenty-Somethings Should Vote For Obama #1

Category: election 2008,Obamasardonicwhiner @ 10:10 pm

Because he’ll make sure the twenty-somethings pay for my retirement and medical care, even though I’ll have more money than them. Why should those lazy millenial types get to put aside any more of their own money than I did mine at their age? They OWE me.

Big Time.

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Jul 08 2008

What month is it this month?

Category: Congress,humor,politicsharmonicminer @ 10:00 pm

Here is a list of all the months that Congress has designated over the last 18 months.

This is really important stuff, and I think we need to suggest some more months to Congress for designation as special events.

National Ear Mark Month

National Jump The Shark Month

National Stay Home, I Can’t Afford Gas Month

National Snail Darter Awareness Month

National Antarctica Isn’t Melting Month

National CIA Suspicion Month

National Late-Term Abortion Rights Month

National Polygamy If You’re Islamic Month

National White Married Male Churchgoer Heritage Month

National Red-Haired People’s Awareness Month

National Homeless Trombonists Awareness Month and National Wear Brass Day

National Honk If You’re On Jihad Day

National Firearms Registration and Confiscation Month (to be celebrated only once)

National Talk Radio Heritage Month

National Toe-Tapping In Airport Rest Rooms Awareness Month

National Cash In The Freezer Month and National Wear Green Day

National Mark Steyn Day

National Mecca Is That Way Day

National Kennedy Compound Windmills Month

National Open Borders Month

National Islamic Terrorist Apologists Month (to be timed with Ramadan each year)

National Let’s Cancel Congress Until Next Year Month

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Jul 07 2008

The Apostle’s Creed of Universal Health Coverage

Category: healthcare,Uncategorizedharmonicminer @ 4:16 pm

Here it is.
I will, I suppose, be burned at the stake as a heretic for doubting.


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