I think a great many Christians and Jews, including many who voted for Obama, do not understand the radical nature of the Freedom of Choice Act that is going to be before the next Congress. If they voted for Obama, they may believe that charges of his abortion radicalism are just political, and that he is actually “moderate” on abortion.
I hope that all Christians and Jews will inform themselves of the “Freedom of Choice Act” (surely one of the more misleading names in legislative history, since its entire purpose is to REMOVE choices from physicians, state legislators, parents, other healthcare workers and, of course, the aborted baby), and consider whether they can really support it, or politicans who support it. It is even MORE radical than the original Roe v. Wade Supreme Court ruling.
Here are some facts about it. (More at the link.)
FOCA stands for the Freedom of Choice Act, and most Americans….. are unaware of it and its repercussions if it becomes the law of the land …..
The Freedom of Choice Act was first introduced in 1989 by Sen. Alan Cranston (D-CA) and Rep. Don Edwards (D-CA). Its prime purpose was to codify Roe v. Wade. It never mustered enough support in those days and much of the time faced a certain veto even if it had. However, this year with the shifting of power in Congress, its prospects for passage have been resurrected, with one of the presidential candidates [Obama] pledging, if elected, to sign it into law as his first act as president. [emphasis mine]
Which brings us to the present danger: if FOCA is passed, it would most certainly nullify the common-sense restrictions that have helped lower the number of abortions ….. According to Tom McCloskey, vice president of government affairs for the Family Research Council, if FOCA is passed it would automatically overturn: • state abortion reporting requirements in all 50 states; • forty-four states’ laws concerning parental involvement; • forty states’ laws on restricting later term abortions; • forty-six states’ conscience protection laws for individual health care providers; • twenty-seven states’ conscience protection laws for institutions; • thirty-eight states’ bans on partial-birth abortions; • thirty-three states’ laws on requiring counseling before an abortion; • sixteen states’ laws concerning ultrasounds before an abortion.
McCloskey goes on to note: “The passage of FOCA would not only force the issue of taxpayer-funded abortions on both the federal and state governments, but would also overturn the wishes of all 50 state legislatures and millions of people in the states.” In essence, FOCA would be a raw act of federal power, wiping out all of the provisions in the states to reduce abortions in one fell swoop.
Calling this the “Freedom of Choice Act” is a lie on its face. All Christians and Jews need to know exactly what would be the consequences of this abuse of raw political power. Then they need to pray and consult their consciences about whether they can support it, or politicians that support it. FOCA is a straightforward attempt to overturn the political will of most of the states in the Union.
Obama has said he will sign it if it’s passed by the Congress, and it is certain that he will. If you are one of those Christians or Jews who voted for Obama not knowing of this, please consider what God might want for you to do about it now. Get involved, send money to pro-life organizations, educate your friends, write letters to your legislative and congressional representatives and senators, do what you can.
It appears that the only chance of stopping FOCA for now is to have a filibuster-capable minority in the US Senate. There are a couple of Democrat Senators who may join the filibuster against FOCA, but the firewall will be the Republicans.
For now, the best places to send money are to Norm Coleman and Saxby Chambliss, both of whom need financial resources to properly police recounts or get out the vote for a runoff election. Even if you are normally Democrat in your voting, but are a pro-life Christian or Jew, or even if you’re generally pro-choice but think the state laws that exist are just fine, I hope you will pray about whether God actually wants America to pass FOCA, and then act accordingly.
November 17th, 2008 11:31 am
[…] Freedom of Choice act has been a topic here before. Here is a website where you can add your voice with a petition to fight it. Read the following, […]